Instead, she sat cross legged on one of the sofas near the fire and charmed a crumpled-up piece of parchment to bounce around the Common Room for Kaida to chase. She laughed as her pet jumped onto tables full of student's classwork, ultimately annoying her Housemates.

She looked up when she heard her friends entering the Common Room. Theo, Blaise, Tracey and Daphne were walking over to her, watching Kaida bounding around the room. Theo jumped over the back of the sofa, landing next to Magnolia with a light thump and laugh.

"Having fun tormenting the younger ones?"

Magnolia smiled, "A girl has to keep herself occupied."

"Have the other two come back yet?" Daphne asked, "They left the party before we did."

Magnolia tensed, "I've not seen them, but I believe I might have heard them in the tapestry outside."

Magnolia quickly changed the subject, asking her friends about their own evenings. Theo immediately launched into a play by play of the party, telling Magnolia about all the gossip she had missed.

Magnolia was almost upset that she had missed the Hufflepuff party; Theo had found out a lot of new gossip from it and a lot had happened. She was looking forward to seeing how students reacted to each other in the Great Hall at breakfast the following morning. That was, until she realised that she was one of those students.

Groaning, Magnolia decided she had had enough excitement for one night. Saying goodnight to her friends, she made her way to her Dorm, happy to hear the patter of Kaida's paws following her. She was still awake, mulling over the evening's events, when the rest of the girls came into the Dorm.

The following morning, Magnolia hesitantly walked into the Great Hall with Tracey. She did a quick survey of the room before breathing a sigh of relief when she saw that the Weasley twins weren't in the Hall.

Tracey and Magnolia sat opposite Theo and Daphne, Magnolia reaching for a cup of tea straight away. She was halfway through her second cup when Pansy sat opposite her and Malfoy sat opposite Pansy.

"I didn't see you before you went to bed last night." Pansy said as she reached for toast.

"Sorry, I tried to stay up, but I was really tired."

Pansy bumped her shoulder against Magnolia's, "How was it?"

"It was ok." Magnolia responded, eyes trained on the table, "Party was alright."

"Uh huh, so nothing interesting happened?"

Magnolia didn't answer, instead she just glanced at her friend.

"Oh, come on. You said you'd at least try." Pansy whined.

"I did try." Magnolia responded with a mumble, causing Pans to shriek.

"Tell me everything!"

"Pans, keep your voice down!"

"Sorry," Pansy chuckled, "You still need to tell me everything though. Did you kiss?"


Magnolia was met by a number of reactions at her admission; Pansy shrieked excitedly again, Daphne and Tracey clapped, Blaise grunted and handed Theo, who was smirking, five Galleons and Malfoy dropped the fork he had been holding and froze.

"How was it?"

"Where was it?"

"Did Harry see!?"

"Is he a good kisser? I bet he's a good kisser."

"Of course, he's a good kisser!"

"Did you do more than kiss?"

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