Chapter 10 Mega Evolution

Start from the beginning

"I felt like I only was half conscious and the other half was in Blaziken you weren't there but I was actually this is probably a bad idea but let me show you so before then anymore questions"

"um nope I'll bring you back here if you pass out again"

"okay come on" we walk out into a field at route 120 "by the light of my key stone and the light of my Blazikenite merge" I feel the same as I did last time even going into the same stance "blaze kick" Blaziken runs and jumps with fire on it's foot hitting the mountain side I do the same without fire "low sweep" he runs and slides near impacting the mountain side but I do the same "acrobatics" Blaziken and I run left to right then jumping kicking the mountain "bulldoze" he runs over jumps off a wall impacting the ground greatly "good" it leaves it's mega evolution state I sway back and forth "ngh er" I say holding my head "Brendan that was so cool" May says rushing over to me and hugging me I pass out in her arms I wake up in the room again "Arceus that really takes a toll on my head" I say sitting up "oh you're awake" May walks over "I hate to admit it but you were kinda cute asleep" she says rubbing the back of her neck "well want to try it for yourself?" I ask "YES!" May shouts with excitement we go back to the mountain she sends out Swampert "May before you do it I need to tell I'll be right here okay" I say "okay here Swampert" she hands it the mega stone "b-by the light of m-my key stone and the l-light of my Swampert- I can't" she says "what's the problem?" I ask "I'm to scared after seeing what happened to you"

"hey I get it when you feel comfortable go for it"


"May you don't have to if you don't want to"

"you're the best Brendan" she gives me a hug when something happens "there they are" it's Liam and some guy in the same bandanna and wearing a small anchor around their neck "are you kidding me! I just had to deal with magma hours ago" I wine "so you are the scalawags that keep ruining my teams plans huh"

"Brendan Yuki and May Birch at your service" I jokingly say bowing "well then I'll destroy you two Liam" Liam salutes "you're gonna battle them with me" he commands "it'd be an honor to crush these brats with you" he says "May you ready?" I ask readying a Pokéball "always" she replies "Blaziken" Liam snaps his finger when someone else with blue on each side of his face a necklace and the team aqua emblem on his chest "these two are Matt and our leader Archie now there's no way we'll lose" I know he's right their levels are near ours and it's three to two when a pink blast comes from the sky "hey how about we make this an even battle?" We all look up when they land "Lisia!" Me and May cheer with excitement "I've been studding up on battles so you mind if I join?" She asks "thanks Lisia" I say "no problem no let's cut the chit-chat and battle Ali!" She says "Pidgeotto" May says "Shelgon" I say "target the kid with white hair" Liam says "c'mon it's a HAT H A T hat you can see my hair poking out whatever" I say the battle's long but since they targeted me I'm down to Metang but it's Ali Lisia's Altaria May's Pidgeotto and my Metang versus Matt's Muk Archie's Sharpedo and Liam's Shiftry "Lisia attack Sharpedo with fairy moves May use flying moves on Shiftry I'll use psychic type moves on Muk Zen headbutt" Metang charges at Muk and hits it with it's head fainting it "good job" I say "Ice beam" Archie commands it faints Ali "Ali! Come back the rest is up to you two" Lisia says "okay thanks Lisia" I say she runs back to Fortree "air slash on Sharpedo" it faints it Mentang's in bad shape "icy wind" Liam commands Shiftry fires cold wind fainting Metang and leaving Pidgeotto at barely any health "May it's up to you" I say returning Metang "Brendan my only two Pokémon I have with me right now is Swampert and Pidgeotto and his Shiftry is higher level then both of them I can't win" she says "yeah you're right give up" Liam says "you stay out of it! May look" I say pointing at Pidgeotto "Pidgeotto you're you're evolving!" She says with excitement "PIDGEOT" it cries "wait Pidgeot do I see that or am I seeing things" I run over and pick up an orange mega stone and in the cream colored swirl there's a smaller red one "yes it is May!" I say "what?" I toss her it "the Pidgeotite it's our only chance" I shout "wait I-I it's to scary I can't" she says "May it's okay don't think about what could go wrong cause it won't just get yourself caught in the moment I'll be here to help you if anything bad happens so just go for it!" I say "o-okay by the light of my key stone and the light of my Pidgeotite merge" she holds the mega bracelet up as it "huh I feel fully like me" she says "what you mean you don't feel like your Pokémon?" I ask "yeah I feel like myself" she says "now let's talk about this later air cutter" it fires a volley of sharp blades of air fainting Shiftry "now I'd recommend leaving before I air cutter you" they all run away Pidgeot leaves mega evolution "how do you feel?" I ask "fine" she replies "weird maybe I'm the only one who has well that happen" I guess Lisia runs back "hey great job guys!" She says "hey Lisia when you mega evolved for the first time how did it well feel?" I ask "not much I just was happy to see Ali like that why do you ask?" She asks me "well I can't really describe it one sec" I revive Blaziken and fully heal him "alright by the light of my key stone and the light of my Blazikenite merge" I do the same thing I did showing May when Blaziken returns to his normal form I return him "so that's what h- *gasp*" I fall to the ground unconscious I wake up on the field "so that's what happens to you?" She asks "yeah I guess I'm the only one who has it happen but well eventually I'm sure I'll be able to well not pass out when I finish it" I say "well good bye you two" she flies off on Ali "well tomorrow I'll challenge the gym" I say walking back to the Pokémon center we make it back to it and get into our room I haven't even noticed until now that there's only one bed "hey May are we in the right room?" I ask "yeah why do you ask?"

"Well there's only one bed"

"yeah this was the only room but that's okay right?"

"Yeah it's fine" we get ready "night Bren"

"night May" we fall asleep quickly

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