23⌝ Ten Minutes

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{Warning: Mature Content is in this chapter, reader discretion is advised}

Song of the Chapter- Small Talk by Niall Horan

"Toni are you almost ready," my sister yells out to me from across the hall in her own room.

"Yeah, I guess," I mutter out in response. I continue looking at myself in the mirror, not liking the sight. There's things I wish I could change, and all my insecurities are heightened in this bikini. The blueish gray material is showcasing things I don't love. The more I stare at my reflection the more awful things I think. Why is Niall even with me? There's plenty of other celebrities and girls prettier than me. I can't compete with them. I sigh and turn away and open my dresser drawer. "I'm not doing this," I say to myself as I pull out a tee shirt.

"Toni come on, everyone's in the hot tub already, what're," I hear Angie speak out before she stops abruptly. "What're you doing Ton," she asks as I turn to face her.

"I'm not hut tubing with you guys. Not when I look like this," I gesture to myself, "I can watch over Scarlett and make sure she's okay."

Angie walks over to me and looks me up and down, "Toni. You look amazing. Honestly, and I'm not just saying that as your sister. Scarlett is down for the night, and if she gets up mom and dad got her. Me and Leo want you out there."

"But," I stutter out, "I, I'm, what'll Niall think? I'm so ugly looking."

She looks at me for a second before crossing her arms, "Toni. In that little shower fiasco he told me about, didn't he see you like half naked?" I nod sheepishly at her, my face heating up as I remember that he did in fact bring that up in front of her. "So this is no big deal," she continues on, "it's a swimsuit Toni. A gorgeous swimsuit on my gorgeous sister." I blush even more at her sweet compliments, I look up at her and see that she's being sincere. "Now get your sexy ass out there and have fun with all of us."

I roll my eyes at her and finally give in to her. Grabbing my towel and phone, I head out with her into our backyard. As we walk down the steps onwards the pool and hot tub, I get more and more anxious. "Maybe I should just go and change," I whisper to Angie as we near the hot tub.

"No," she hisses back at me, "you're not gonna do that." I sigh back at her and clutch my towel closer to myself. We arrive at the hut tub, the water changing and fading to multiple colors.

"There's the gals," Leo calls out upon our arrival, and splashes some warm water in our direction. Angie rolls her eyes at her husband as she gets into the hot tub. I hesitate for a moment, scared to have the towel leave my body. Maybe I should've just worn a one piece like Angie.

I take in a huge breath for courage and set down my phone, then pull away my towel. I quickly hop in the hot tub, my nerves a train wreck. "Nice swimsuit," Niall leans over and whispers to me.

I feel my face heat up, but I don't know if it's from embarrassment or from the compliment, "Really? I didn't want to wear it. I feel like I look bad in it."

"You're the exact opposite," he comments, "you look stunning. Now just relax." I nod my head and sink into the water next to him. The water is warm, calming me down a bit.

"So Niall," Leo speaks up," what do you do in international business?" Niall gives him a puzzled look before I chim in. "Uh. I'm sorry Leo. That's not true, I only said that yesterday so people wouldn't like get all up in his business." Leo looks surprised as I continue on, "Niall's a singer. Overall musician and golfer."

Leo has a startled expression on his face, "Wow. That's a lot Niall. You're very accomplished. Have I heard any of your music?"

Niall leans back along the hot tub wall and rests his hands in the side, "Ever heard of Slow Hands, or This Town."

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