16⌝ So Now You Know

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Song of the chapter- Cherry by Harry Styles

"Hey Toni. I'm back, I left my phone. Are you in the shower?"

My eyes pop out if my head, fucking hell. I hop off the couch and run into my room, shutting the door behind me frantically.

"Toni I came in through the garage but I left my phone. Can you hear me," she asks, her voice causing my heart to beat faster than ever.

My breath keeps picking up, I manage to yell out, "Yeah I can. Check in the living room."

I walk backwards slowly to the other side of my room, my legs seeming to wobble uncontrollably. God, what the hell am I gonna do? She'd absolutely kill me. Which doesn't even make sense since I'm twenty fucking two, but I can't have her find Niall in the shower and not me. The shower. She thinks I'm in the bathroom. I bolt into my bathroom and shut the door, listening closely for her voice.

"Toni what's," Niall starts off before I shush him harshly. I look over at him, the half wall of the shower covering, things, and I mouth, "She's back."

My mom's voice echoes throughout the house, sending my nerves over the edge, "I can't find my phone Toni. I think I might've left it in your bathroom."

"Hold on one second, 'm washing my face, can't see," I say looking around, and shit. I see her phone on the bathroom counter. My mind is racing of what to do, trying to figure out the best way to get out of this situation.

"If it's in there just let me grab it," she says, her voice seemingly getting closer.

"NO!" I yell out. "Just hold on one sec," I say, quickly trying to cover up suspicion. My mind can't possibly think of a logical reason to get out of this so I do the unthinkable, gulping down my fears. I start to take off my clothes, throwing off my hoodie as quickly as I can and stepping out of my leggings, careful not to fall on my face. This is NOT how I imagined Niall seeing me like this for the first time. My heart beats out of my chest even more. I slip off my bralette and I practically have a heart attack as I hear her get closer to my bedroom door. Then my bedroom door creaks open.

"Shit shit shit," I whisper. I make a quick decision of keeping my underwear on, not wanting to risk having my mom walk in and not wanting to show that to Niall yet, and grabbing a nearby face cloth. I throw open the shower door and jump in, fully committing to this horrible choice.

Niall turns around surprised and looks me up and down, "What're-"

"Cover up and sit so she can't see you," I interrupt him, throwing the wash rag at him, making sure to not look down.

He catches the cloth and smirks holding it up, "You really think this can co-"

I shove him slightly and interrupt him again, "Just do it and shut it."

Niall laughs and sits on the floor of the shower, but I quickly turn my attention to the knock on my bathroom door.

"You alright in there," my mom asks through the other side.

I feel like a rabbit being chased by some fucking animal or something, my hearts about to explode. "Yeah," I stutter back, trying to calm my voice, "your phones on the counter, just grab it real quick." I grab my shampoo hurriedly and run it through my hair, trying to make my appearance as convincing as possible for when she comes in. Niall chuckles from the floor and I immediately try to cover up my chest.

The door opens and my mom enters. "There it is," she says grabbing it from off the counter and turning her attention towards me, "you sure you're alright Toni?"

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