2⌝ A Two Time Thing

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***Trigger Warning: This chapter mentions the use of date r*pe drugs. If you feel that you cannot handle reading it, please skip the second part of this chapter. I will put a summary at the bottom in the comments for those who choose to skip.

Song of the Chapter- Give Me Everything by Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo

I awoke to several missed calls and texts from Tessie.

What the hell? And why didn't my alarm go off?

I rolled onto my side and checked the time. 8:45 am. Shit. I'm supposed to leave the house at 9. Goddamn it.

I threw the covers off and dashed to my bathroom to start getting ready there. I quickly washed my face and viciously brushed my teeth to trying to make up for the lost time.

Huh. This is also the most action my mouth has gotten in a long time too.

Snap outta it.

I spat in the sink and rinsed it out before running out the bathroom and into my closet. Ugh. Why didn't I set my goddamn alarm. I hate myself for this and the fact that I have to dress up for work. I grabbed my black turtleneck, checkered long trousers, and black flats. As I threw on my undergarments and clothes, I realized that I still hadn't read all those messages from Tessie. Shit.
I grabbed my phone and unlocked it to see them.


Toni you hung up on me. :(

Hello? You were just about tell me about him.

Answer me bitch.

You were crying over something about Luke then started talking about a guy then hung up...

I swear to God if you do anything stupid.

Pick up the damn phone now

Whatever. Call me in the morning.

Oh fuck. What'd I say? I literally cannot remember anything from last night. All I can think of is that I took a shower, made dinner, then crashed. At least I think. Oh dear god please no.

I grabbed my purse from my vanity and sprinted out my room and to the left to the kitchen. Fuck. I knew it.

An almost empty wine bottle was on the counter with no glass in sight.

"Fuckkk," I roared aloud.

I didn't have time to think of what horrible things I said while intoxicated last night. I sighed and turned to go out the door but noticed a small glass next to my now half empty Crown Royale. My drunk self disgusts me sometimes. Like what an awful combination.

"You've got to be shitting me."


I ran in the doors at 9:32, clutching my purse and my bag slung over my shoulder. I avoided making eye contact with the brown haired figure that sat at the front desk. Before I could sprint down the hall to my office, I heard a yell.


I slowly turned and saw her dark brown eyes piercing into mine. There was no use avoiding her because she caught the attention of literally everybody in a ten mile radius, including a group of paralegals down the hall.

"Yes Theresa?"

A fire almost lit behind her eyes. She despised it when people called her by her real name, especially me.

"What the hell was that last night? You called me crying about Luke and then in the middle while we were talking and I was trying to figure what the hell was going on through your head, you hung up on me. Not to mention, you didn't even reply to any of my texts, calls, or voicemails this morning. Then now you come running in here, late to work, and in a hurry to avoid me." She crossed her arms in that final statement to seal that fact at how pissed she was at me.

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