18⌝ And I With You

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Song of the Chapter- Paris In The Rain by Lauv

A knock is heard on my doorframe and I look up from my computer to see Tessie standing there in the open doorway. "Clock out time," she announces to me, "also someone's waiting for you."

I close my laptop and slide it into my bag, "Who's waiting?"

She smirks at me, "Oh you already know who."

My mouth turns up into a smile and I pack my things up, grabbing my purse and bag with my laptop. I walk over to my door where Tessie is and lock it before heading to the reception area with her. As we make our way over, I see Niall standing by the front desk. I go up to him and he brings me into a hug. What surprises me the most is when he leans down and kisses me. I'm taken aback by his forwardness but I let it roll.

"How've you been darlin'," he asks looking down at me. Darling. That word makes my heart flutter every time I hear it. That simple word.

"I'm alright," I say looking up into his pretty eyes, "just glad I have tomorrow off. What're you doing here?"

He takes my hand and starts to twirl me under him, like he did that one night in the club. "I've got a surprise for ya," he giggles.

I look at him with wide eyes, excited for what it could be, "Oh really? Well where is it, what is it?"

"That's a surprise, I can't say," he shakes his head at me. I give him a puzzled look and he continues on, "Don't worry Ton. It's gonna be fun. Now c'mon I don't wanna be late." He reaches his hand out and I gladly take it in mine, our fingers intertwining together perfectly. We walk towards the door and I call out bye to Tessie before we leave the building. We walk towards his car and I realize something I haven't before. Even though I hate riding in cars, especially when others are driving, I feel relaxed with Niall when I do. He's just got this calming sensation radiating off of him that helps me. And it could maybe be the fact that he doesn't know about all the messed up stuff that's wrong with me.

Niall opens his car door for me and I hop on in. Once he gets in he announces to me worriedly, "Now I know you probably won't like this, but part if the surprise is not knowing where we're going."

"Um okay. Little weird," I chuckle a bit as I buckle up.

He reaches into the back seat and reveals a scarf. "I don't want you seeing the surprise so, you've gotta be blindfolded," he confides as he looks over at me.

"Really Ni," I plead, "do I have to?"

He nods, "Yes, or else the surprise won't be special."

I groan at him before taking the scarf from him and tying it around my head. I adjust it a bit so now I can't see anything, the material obscuring my vision. "There," I huff out once I'm done.

"Are you sure you can't see," he asks me.

I try to look in the direction of where he's at, "Yeah I can't see a thing."

His voice gets a bit lower, "Can you see me do this?"

I sigh, "No Ni, I can't see any-" My sentence is cut off short by his lips. He kisses me, my stomach doing a backflip by the surprise of that.

He pulls apart from me and says in a cocky tone, "Just making sure." The car starts up and rumbles, signaling the start of this journey. The radio starts playing, some poppy music escaping. "This may take a little while so just relax, it'll be worth it," I hear him inform me.

We've been talking and listening to music for what felt like forever when I hear the car window next to me roll down. "This should give you a hint of where we're at," he mentions. I'm confused by his words but my thoughts are quickly faltered by the air entering the car. Humid air surrounds me, making my skin all uncomfortable.

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