6⌝ Since We're Alone, Just You and Me

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***Teeny Tiny Author's Note
I've updated the description of this story and changed the Song of the Chapter for last chapter. I just felt like both didn't really fit well so I made some minor adjustments.

Song of the Chapter- Midnight by Alesso ft. Liam Payne (stream it)

"One hour till," I muttered to myself as I grabbed the food platter from the fridge in the break room. There's still a lot of shit to do, cobwebs aren't hung, the photo area isn't even set up, and I still have to get changed into my costume. I made my way back to the main area, ready for the scurry of last minute preparation to hit.

"Hey Ton, question, do you ever plan on getting changed," a sassy Tessie inquired at me as I set down the plate on a table. She went all out for this party, she was clothed in her yellow plaid Cher costume and equipped with a quite realistic blonde wig.

"In a bit blondie," I scoffed playfully," I'm just trying to get as much done as I can right now."

Tessie popped a cube of cheese into her mouth, "Good. Also, how're you gonna bring up, ya know with Niall?"

I turned away and care freely replied, "Oh you know, I have an idea, but I'm gonna talk with him privately about it."

Tessie eyed me inquisitively and suggestively spoke,"Oh are you now."

"Yep and you're gonna help me when I need you." I started off to my office and continued on, "You can't back out no matter what. Also please get someone to get that damn banner up, I asked Liam like three hours ago and he still hasn't."

Tessie gave a groan of acknowledgment and I headed into my office to finally get ready. I had my skirt halfway on when my phone started buzzing in a frenzy. I wiggle it on and check the caller ID. It was Niall. Of course, what perfect timing.

"How do you manage to call me at a bad time," I huff out, putting the phone on speaker.

"What do you mean by that Toni," Niall questioned into the phone.

"I'm just saying like I literally just started getting changed and ready for the party right now and you called," I chuckled, reaching for my flannel.

Niall took a small pause before slyly replying, "Well, I see that as a great coincidence."

I carefully pushed each button through the material of my shirt, smirking to myself, "Don't test your luck Ni."

"Okay okay, I got the message," he chuckled on the receiving end, "should I still come at 6:30?"

I agreed, looking in my bag for my long stockings, humming to the tune of Flicker. When I found out about Niall being a famous singer, I immediately started listening to his music. Ever since then, his songs have been stuck in my head and I can't get them out. "What'll you be wearing," I asked curiously.

He cooed into the phone, "Sorry Ton, it's still a surprise. And don't even ask me what Zayn's wearing because I know that was your next question."

How'd he know? I frowned to myself and pouted, " Awe okay then, well I've gotta get back to helping. This place'll never be ready if I don't hop on it."

We bid our goodbyes and I exited my office, fully ready in my black skirt, red flannel, black heels, and black knee high stockings. It was definitely a more risqué costume for me but I guess it could've been worse. Straight ahead in the main area, a tall man that I recognized so well was standing atop a ladder, hanging up a banner.

"Where's your costume Lima," I playfully asked. Liam and I never had the best friendship due to that one hiccup but recently he's been making an active try into being nice to me. It was quite weird at first but honestly, now that I'm getting to know him more, he's not that bad as I thought.

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