17⌝ Easy As That

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Song of the Chapter- Boyfriend by Ariana Grande ft. Social House

"Grab your purse, we're all going out to lunch."

I turn away from the fax machine to see none other than the lovely Tessie. "I don't know, I don't really feel like it," I say unconvincingly, giving my cover away.

"Bullshit," she accuses at me, "you were all fine earlier talking with lover boy."

I can feel myself start to blush. "Fine, but who's all going," I ask, looking around to make sure no one is really listening.

"Just the usual, Liam, and maybe Rachael and Howard," she replies as she counts off on her fingers.

I pause for a bit, not wanting sound rude, "Maybe just me, you, and Liam. No offense to them. I just don't wanna be bombarded by questions."

She nods her head in agreement, "Sounds good, and maybe you'll tell me why you've been avoiding me all morning."

"I haven't been really avoiding you," I say before getting interrupted.

"Yes you have."

I give her an awkward smile, "Okay, maybe I have. But I'll tell you at lunch what happened." She nods her head and I start off back in the direction of my office. I grab my purse off my desk and make sure to lock up my office before heading to the front reception area. Liam is already out by the front doors with Tessie, twirling keys in between his fingers.

"You ready girls," Liam asks, opening the doors for us as we walk out the building.

Tessie replies with an ecstatic, "Hell yeah!"

I reply with a nod before speaking up, "Are we taking your car?"

Liam looks over at me, "Yeah, if that's okay with you guys."

Great. I gulp and speak back, "Yeah. 'S fine." It's actually not fine. Ever since Luke died, I've had horrible car anxiety, especially when other people drive. For awhile after his death, I refused to get in cars. When I was forced to get out of the house, I'd walk.

"Will you be okay? If you need, we can take my car or yours," Tessie quietly asks, pulling me aside.

I shake my head, "No. I'll be fine. I can tough it out." She smiles at me and we continue following Liam to his car.

After a while of being in the car, and me practically closing my eyes the whole time, we finally arrive at our destination. We all hop out of the car and head towards the questionable building. "Oh hell yes, Frank's Pizza. I've heard the best things," Tessie announces as we near it.

When we get inside, my opinion immediately changes. The inside is so much nicer than what the outside suggested. With nice tables and decor, even with pretty art. It's a narrow but open bar like restaurant but I notice that it opens up towards the back.

"There's a place in back where it's like all open and outside. Plus there's big ass TVs," Liam says excitedly as he leads the way.

We find a picnic table and sit down, browsing at the menus before ordering. Once the server has left, Tessie turns her attention towards me, "Spill."

"Spill what," Liam's asks confused, giving me a puzzled look.

Tessie turns to Liam, raising her eyebrows, "Something happened, possibly with Niall and now she's been avoiding me."

"I didn't wanna purposely avoid you," I retaliate, "I just didn't feel like telling you so soon after it happened."

Liam chimes in, "So what happened?"

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