"Where is she?" I asked

"At the hospital. We are going there soon.'' my brother said holding my hand.

"What happened?"

"You fainted." Courtney says.

No shit sherlock

"Before that?" I asked

They all stayed quiet.

"I want to know. I need to, please tell me." I begged, my eyes glossing over.

The look Vic gave me made me want to cry my heart out.

I knew I wouldn't be able to take it but I still wanted to know.

"We don't know for sure, just that she was drugged." Brain says.

Tears were now flowing down my face which was honestly beyond my control

"We can't just leave my babies." I say pouting.

"Normoni is going to sing some more of her songs and once everything gets back to normal we are going to give them all free tickets to the next show here." Scooter says.

I nodded and sighed, tonight is honestly going to be a long night.

Victoria's p.o.v

When Ariana passed out everyone started panicking.

Her mom was crying, trying to call her dad, Court was talking to Kim's best friends in LA and the rest of  us were watching Ariana

When she woke up, no one had the guts to explain what happened to her so we went to the hospital.

Not that we knew what happened but she was a mess.

The entire way to the hospital she kept on fighting back tears or letting out wimpers and had her fists balled up.

She looked pissed and sad at the same time.

It really wasn't a good sight.

Honestly I hope Kim is alright.

She brings out the best in Ariana and they clearly love each other.

I hope they realise that soon enough.

I have also grown super close to her, she is like my long lost sister and she fits so well in the group.

Honest to god she's made everyone here better people

We were speeding and I was just praying we wouldn't get in a crash.

When we got to the hospital Ariana practically ran in only to be pulled back  by Joan.

"Hi, we're looking for Kimberly Keene." Scott tells the receptionist who began typing away on the computer.

"Room 17 4th floor" she says not even looking up at us.

So much for being polite. I don't think its even supposed to be that easy to get someones room number.

We made our way to the room and the doctor was outside with a notepad in his hand.

"Ms. Grande and company." He said as we approached him.

Time for the truth.

I saw Ariama trembling so I pulled her into a hug.

"We have tested Kimberly and she has traces of triazolam in her system. It appears to us that she overdoesed on it."

" We have also tested the suspected starbucks drink which is positive for triazolam as well. We have already contacted the police who are getting information from the Starbucks where this was bought." He said, looking at us sympathetically.

Her Moonlight (edited )Where stories live. Discover now