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               *A few months later*

    After the fashion show, Lilian got a bit famous. Now she got some fans and she was pretty happy about her progress. Anyway people like new faces.

Lilian's pov:
     The corner of my mouth twitched as I brought my phone close to my ear. Hearing the bell ring, I felt nervous. "Hello?" A feminine voice answered. "Hey, is this Sona?"

"Yeah, I'm Sona. Who are you?"

    I took a deep breath, "I'm Lilian.." She didn't replied, silent settled in.

   My phone nearly fell from my hands with her outbrust, "PARK LILIAN! PARK FUCKING LILIAN! WHERE WERE YOU BITCH!"

  Oh my poor ears, "Sona can you please stop yelling" I pleaded.

   "I can't believe it. I can't FUCKING believe it. Really Lilian? After disappearing for five years" she declared, "YOU'RE ASKING ME TO STOP YELLING!!? Where are you bitch!?"

   "Are you free? You can come to my place?" I suggested. "Of course, send me your address I am coming to kill you!" she hung up and I laughed.

Still not changed.

    Me and Sona decided to go for shopping and after shopping for hours we stopped by a cafe. "Where is Songwun? How is he doing?"

   "Our dumb fellow got married" she snorted. "What?" I smiled, shocked.

"He's on his way, I called him. He will kill you for disappearing!"

"Oh Sona..." I heaved a sigh and explain her everything.

"So you are telling that your bitchy sister and bastard boyfriend betrayed you?!" Sona shouted catching some attention. "Shhh! Sona people are looking at us!"

"Lilian five years!" She exaggerated "and you care about this dumb people? Are you serious?" I shrugged.

   "I asked Katherine your whereabouts and I tried to meet Rose but.." She sighed, grabbing her hair in frustration. "Sona it's alright. I'm doing good now, you see I want to focus on my career now."

"Your family is cruel!" I laughed at her statement, "I know."

   "So how is work?" she interrogated making me roll my eyes. I told her every single detail and she's laughing her ass off. "I think you've catch Jeon Jungkook's attention" she said in between her laughs, "imagine him actually proposing you and then you get married and then kids and then-"

    "Hey! That's enough and why would he propose to me anyway, bitch!"

  "Who knows bitch, world is full of unexpected things~" she gave me a silly smile. "I can't believe you share a bed with Jeon Jungkook, The Jeon Jungkook!" I rolled my eyes. I hope it never happens again.

    "Oh look there he is, Songwun!" Sona yelled, waving her hands in the air wildly. I stood up to look at him, Woah damn he really changed, more mascular. I smiled as I pulled out my hand for handshake. "Hey-" he pulled me into him and squeezed me tightly.

   "I think I'm going to die" I gwaffed but it came out as wheezes.

   "Where were you!?" He shouted as he finally let go of me. "You know how worried we were?" He said dramatically. "Lilian!" He grabbed my shoulders and shook me wildly. "Oh Songwun, let the girl breath" Sona said casually as she munched on her donut.


    "Bye Lilian!" Sona waved at me and left. I was pretty happy, I thought we weren't that close but time shows you which person is your true friend.

    After what Jina did to me, I had a hard time trusting friends then my boyfriend and my step sister betrayed me. I don't know if I'm doing good making up with Sona. I'll be alert in future but I think I can trust her. Sona was always there for me when I needed her.

    Smiling to myself I made my way towards my apartment but stopped dead in track when I saw the door was already opened. I could hear a feminine voice shouting, walking to the living room. I saw all my stuff spread on the floor and in the middle stood Katherine. I stared at her in shock, a few men throwing my stuff out.

    "Lilian!" Katherine exclaimed clapping her hands together, "you are home?" She chuckled loudly, "sorry my home."

"What are you doing here?" I snapped at her.

   "Bruhh!!" She snorted "I just told you this is my home now. I bought it!" She glared at me as I glared back. "Why are you doing this!?" I shouted at her.

    "Many reasons, 1 2 3" she started counting on her fingers, "well anyway. These is for making a fool of me in front of anyone" she slapped on my right ear, the same place where dad hit me.

    I hissed in pain, I lounged back at her but those men held both my hands. I was trying to break free but it was useless.

    "This is for making dad ground me for a whole month!" she slapped me again at the same spot. "And this is for" she smirked leaning down, grabbing my face in between her fingers "cause sweetie I don't like you" again she slapped and I felt liquid flow down my neck.


Jungkook's pov:
       "Can you please hurry up?" I shouted at the driver. I'm gonna the Park family pay! The man I ordered to follow Lilian around said some people threw her out of her apartment.

   The car stopped and I immediately get out. Hurriedly walking towards the place Lilian was supposed to be.

   There she was, sitting on the bench, her knees close to her chest and her head resting on her knees. As I stepped near, her sobs got clearer. She flinched when I touched her shoulder, stood up abruptly, wiping her tears with back her hand.

"Lilian, com-"

     "What do you want?" She looked away, her breathing uneasy. "What happened?" I asked as hold her wrist.

"It's none of your business!" She cried pulling her hand back, trying to get free but I didn't let her. "Come on, don't be silly Lilian-ah"

   "Mr Jeon, leave me alone!" she said with a stern voice. "How can I leave you alone at this hour of night, Lilian, don't be rash. Come with me" I pulled her more. 

   "Leave me a-alone!" she stuttered out with shaky voice, her bottom lip quivering as she protested.

      With one single tug, I pulled her close to my chest and she finally relaxed against me. She brusted into tears, mumbling words I couldn't understand. I rubbed her back trying to soothe her. It really hurts seeing her like that.

      "Take her stuff..." I ordered the driver who was standing behind. He quickly did as I told. Lilian's loud cries now turned in to quite sobs. I picked her up in my arms, she buried her face in the crook of my neck and arms wrapped around my shoulders. I could feel her hot tears on my neck. I was fuming. How could he let people treat her daughter like that!

     I sat in the car, I never let go of Lilian. She was sitting on my lap, her face still buried in my neck, crying. "Take us home" I said to the driver and rubbed her back to calm her down. Soon she fell asleep in my arms.

     I placed her in my bed and covered her with the comforter. I did a useless attempt of tying her hair. While doing so, I saw the blood on her neck. I lightly pushed her neck to the right and saw a very bad cut behind her ear. Sighing in frustration, I picked up the first-aid box and applied ointment on her skin.

    Jungkook sat down next to her small frame, curled up in a ball, he run his hand through her long dark hair. Lovingly admiring the features of his love. He kissed her forehead and wished he could make all her pain go away.
   After changing his clothes, he layed next to her. Jungkook stroked her hair with flat of his palm, a big smile plastered on his face. He pulled her closer in his arms and soon drifted to sleep.

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