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It's been a tough couple of months for Katherine. Being pregnant this time hasn't been easy on her. She's been sick more than she hasn't been. She had such easy pregnancies with Kinsley and Kaylee. This time with the morning sickness lasting all day somedays, work, being a mom to two very active girls and doing it for the most part on her own, she's always angry it seems. Somedays she's so mad at Jordan she won't even answer his calls. She doesn't know why she's so mad at him. He's been so supportive and loving. Checking in on her everyday. Sending her little gifts constantly. Her hormones are making her crazy and Jordan's an easy target.

Jordan does his best not to engage with her when she's yelling at him, when they do talk. She's accused him of knocking her up on purpose so she'd marry him. She's accused him of cheating on her. She's accused him of not loving her anymore, because if he truly loved her, he'd be there with her. She's broken off their engagement several times. He doesn't know what to do, he's got two more weeks on the European portion of the tour then he'll be there with her. He hopes. He's talked to Ryan, a lot. He assures Jordan that she's fine and everything will be okay. He tells him he tried to tell him about the pregnancy hormones.

Jordan has a missed call from Ryan when he gets off stage one night about a week before the end of the tour. He calls him back without listening to his voicemail. "Ryan it's Jordan, is everything okay?"

"Yeah Jordan everything's going to be fine. Look Katherine's been really sick the last few weeks. I've had the girls for the last week or so, trying to give Katherine a break after there was an incident with Kaylee. Anyway, I went by tonight so the girls could see her. She couldn't even get out of bed. She was really weak and in a lot of pain. I brought her to the hospital. Turns out she's been so sick because of her gallbladder. They're going to have to remove it."

Jordan becomes frantic. All he's hearing is Katherine's in the hospital, having to have surgery. What about the baby? How will this effect the baby?

"Ryan I'll be on the first flight I can get on tonight. How's the baby? Is the baby okay?"

"Jordan, calm down, everything's fine here. The baby is fine. Look there's no need for you to get on a plane tonight. Finish out this part of your tour, you've got one week left. Katherine didn't even want me to call you. She doesn't want you to miss the end of the tour. Look I'm going to take her the phone so you can talk to her. But I promise you Jordan, father to father, she and the baby are really fine."

Jordan can hear Ryan's walking. He hears him open a door, "Katherine. Jordan's on the phone. He wants to talk to you."

"Damnit Ryan, I told you not to call and worry him. Hey babe. I'm so sorry he called you. There's really nothing to be worried about. I'm fine. Our little Knight is doing fantastic. Please don't end the tour early. I need you here next week. Promise me Jordan. Promise me you'll stay put."

"Katie girl, how am I supposed to stay here when I know you're in the hospital having surgery? I should be there with you."

"Oh baby, please know I understand. If I thought you needed to be here I'd tell you to get your ass here. But it's a quick surgery. It's a common surgery. It'll be fine. I'm going into surgery in about an hour. By the time you even got here I'd be out of recovery. You'd miss everything anyway. I'll make sure Ryan calls you as soon as I'm out of surgery."

"Are you sure? Babe I want to be there. To hell with the end of this tour. You're what's important."

"Yes Jordan I'm sure. And babe I'm so sorry I've been such a bitch to you lately. Apparently my hormone levels are way high and its been making me crazy. Did Ryan tell you what happened with Kaylee" Jordan says no. "Well she got into some mud and I lost it on her. I actually spanked her. I've never had to spank either of my girls before. The mud wasn't even that bad either. I felt terrible. Ryan's had them for the last week. I haven't even seen them. So I'm going to get off here to spend some time with them. Kins is pretty scared right now. I love you so much Jordan. I'll talk to you as soon as I'm out of recovery."

"Okay Katie girl. I'll be waiting for a call from Ryan. I love you so much."

They hang up and Jordan sits with his head in his hands, crying. He's still sitting like this when the rest of the guys come in. "Hey man, what's wrong?" Donnie asks him. Jordan looks up at him, tears streaking his cheeks. "It's Katie girl. She's in the hospital."

All the guys rush over to Jordan. Joe sits next to him. "What's going on? Is she and the baby okay?"

"Yeah they're both fine, I guess. She's got to have surgery to remove her gallbladder. She says she's fine. I told her I wanted to come home but she said no. She wants me to finish this leg of the tour. How am I supposed to do that? I'm going to go insane worrying about her tonight. What if something bad happens to her or the baby?"

All the guys stay with Jordan until he gets the call from Ryan letting him know Katherine's surgery went fine. She is doing great. The baby is doing great. She's been moved to recovery and once she wakes up from the anesthesia he'll be able to see her. Ryan promises Jordan he'll call him as soon as she wakes up.

Jordan feels better knowing she is out of surgery. And that she and the baby are going good. He's thankful he has his brothers there with him. Now he just wants to get through with Europe so he can get home to his girl.

Meant To Be (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction) Sequel to Meant For MeWhere stories live. Discover now