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Katherine doesn't reply back. When can he see me again? How was she supposed to answer that? She wants to say right now and give him her address. But she knows that's not a good idea. She sits her phone down on her nightstand and gets out of bed.

First coffee, then she'll get ready for work. But work is the last thing on her mind while she drinks her coffee. She keeps thinking about that text.

"When can I see you again?"

He wants to see me again! She can't help but smile. She wants to see him again too. But she can't. But she wants to. But. She. Can't.

Katherine gets up from her kitchen table. She's got to put thoughts of Jordan and their amazing night together out of her mind. She's got to get ready for work.

Katherine arrives to work to find a surprise waiting for her. "Joey?"

"Hey Kate." He smiles at her and she notices how beautiful his blue eyes still are. "I just wanted to come by and check on you."

"I'm fine Joey. Why would you think I needed checking on?" She asks him, even though she knows why.

"I was just worried I gave you bad advice last night about Jordan. You know I never liked getting involved in anything between you and Jordan. But you seemed pretty desperate last night. I just hope I gave you good advice."

Katherine laughs. "Joey, you gave me great advice. Everything went well with Jordan." Katherine looks around at all her coworkers and decides this conversation needs to be in a more private setting. So they take a walk around the zoo, grabbing a coffee along the way. They walk for a while without really talking. Finally Katherine stops at a bench and they sit.

"Joey, everything went okay with Jordan. We talked. He wants to try and win me back."

"Are you okay with that? Is that what you want?"

Katherine thinks for a minute. "I think I do. I just don't know how to learn to trust him again. I want to, but I'm still a little scared. I still have really strong feelings for him Joe."

Joe puts his arm around her shoulders and pulls her against him. "Kate, I don't want to see you get hurt. But Jordan's changed. I heard him talking about you right after he first saw you. We were sitting in our green room. No one told Jordan they'd seen you. So we're all talking and we have the show on in the room. Well they say your name, Dr. Katherine Spencer-Armstrong. Jordan stopped talking, mid sentence and looked up at the screen. He saw you and turned to the rest of us. He looked at me first. I tried to act surprised. We all did. He saw right through us. Then he said "You all knew she was here and didn't tell me?" I told him you didn't want to see him. He looked so hurt by that. Then he left the room. I was going to stop him, but the look on his face said there was no stopping him. After he talked to you, he told us all he was having dinner with you and he said he would win you back. The rest of the day he was so happy, Kate. You were all he could talk about. How beautiful you were. How much he'd missed you over the years. He kept saying he had to make things right with you. He really does still love you."

"Joey, I'm not sure my decision even matters. He has to win Ryan over. And if he can't win him over, he can't be around the girls."

They sit there for a few minutes. "I really like Barrett. She seems great. I'm so happy you found her. And I'm really glad she's okay with me and you being friends."

Joey hugs her to his side and kisses the top of her head. "Barrett's amazing. Before I met her, I never thought I'd get over you. For years I wanted you back. I wished everyday I'd run into you somewhere. I even moved out to California, not knowing you had moved to New York. Kate, the day I heard you and Jordan had broken up I was so happy. I almost flew out here to find you. I wanted to take care of you. But I decided it was best to wait and see if I heard from you.  When I went out to California and was looking for a rental, Barrett was my realtor. Everything changed for me that day. I fell in love with her and a year later we got married."

"That's wonderful Joey. I'm truly happy to hear that. I never wanted you to be unhappy because of me. Funny thing is that even after I got engaged to Jordan I never took photos of you and I down. To this day my favorite pictures of us still hang on my walls. Jordan and I would actually fight about that. What we had has always remained important to me Joey. Our relationship is probably the most important one I've had since my parents died. Well until I had children."

Joe's lips brush against her temple and she closes her eyes. She can't help but think how much easier life would have been if she'd made it work with Joe. A sense of contentment floods over her as she sits there with Joe.

"Kate there's one more thing I want to bring up about you and Jordan. We're planning a huge World tour for our comeback. We'll be gone a lot. It's going to be big, we're even going back to Europe. I know that was a big part of why we didn't work out. So before you really make any decisions you need to know what our plans are. Kate, I'm so excited about this. Coming back together with my brothers after fifteen years has been amazing. I can't wait for you to hear the new music. You're in some of the songs. I won't tell you which ones, you'll just have to listen to the album and figure it out. It's not like you weren't my muse for my first two solo albums. So writing songs about you is nothing new."

Katherine is so glad she is getting the chance to reconnect with Joe like this. She's definitely missed her friend over the years. "Well I'm happy I could inspire you. Even if it was to write sad songs. Joey as much as I'm loving catching up with you, I've really got to get to work."

"You too Kate. Sorry for keeping you so long." They stand up and chit chat all the way back to her work area. They're laughing about something Katherine told Joe about the girls when they walk into her building. They see Jordan turn around at the sound of their laughter. "Hey Katie girl." He's holding a bouquet of sunflowers. "Hey Joe."

"Hey J, how's it going?"

"Good. Everything's good." Jordan says as he looks over at Katherine. He smiles at her and she can't help but smile back thinking about the night they shared.

Joe looks from Jordan to Katherine. "Well I better get going. Kate, hopefully we'll see you again before we leave. I know Barrett is excited about getting to know you better." He hugs her and kisses her on the cheek. "And I'll see you later this afternoon J." Jordan nods at him.

"What're you doing here Jordan?" Katherine asks him. He hands her the flowers. "I had to see you again. And you wouldn't answer my text, so I took it upon myself to see you. And to bring you these." He leans in and brushes his lips across hers before whispering in her ear, "I can't stop thinking about last night. That was the best night I've had in over ten years."

Katherine blushes.

"There you are Katherine. I've been looking everywhere for you. The head of the zoo called, they need....." Amy stops speaking when she sees Jordan. "Oh, I didn't know you had a visitor. Hello Jordan, long time, no see."

Katherine's whole demeanor changes. The vision of Jordan, naked, in bed with Amy all those years ago pops into her head. She takes a step back from Jordan. "Thanks Amy, I'll call him back in just a minute." She turns to Jordan, "Thank you for the flowers. I've got to get to work. Maybe we'll talk later."

"Maybe?" He looks hurt. "Can we make plans for later?"

"No I've got the girls tonight." Katherine's suddenly uncomfortable talking to him with Amy here.

"Oh okay. I'll call you?" He steps towards her, but she takes another step back. "Bye Katie girl. We'll talk later." He hangs his head as he turns and walks away.

Meant To Be (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction) Sequel to Meant For MeWhere stories live. Discover now