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Before he knows it Jordan and the New Kids are rehearsing every day and night. Getting everything perfect for the tour. They use most of the old choreo for their old songs. But they haven't used any of it in over fifteen years. This keeps them all really busy. Jordan tries to make time to talk to Katherine every day. But it's not easy for him to find extra time.

"Guys, this is all looking really good. I can't believe we're doing this again. The feedback we're getting from our fans is fucking awesome. I can't believe these women waited fifteen years for us to come back." Donnie says as they begin new choreography for one of their new songs. "I'm starting to think this is going to be so much bigger than we thought it was going to be." All the guys agree.

"So J, how's things with Katherine? Are you two still talking? We haven't seen her around since that night she came to the studio. We didn't embarrass her did we? If you talk to her tell her we all miss that beautiful smile of hers."

"We're good, still just friends. But we try to talk every day. Joe sees her more than I do it seems."

All eyes go to Joe, Danny's the one to say what everyone else is thinking. "Joe? I thought things were good with you and your wife. Is she okay with you hanging out with the girl that took your innocence?"

Joe laughs, "It's nothing like that and you all know it. Kate and Barrett have actually gotten pretty close. They really like each other. Of course, who doesn't love Kate the minute they meet her?"

"Your mom sure didn't." Jordan says getting a laugh out of everyone, including Joe. It's completely true too. Joe's mom never did take to Katherine. She thought Joe was too young to be getting involved so seriously with Katherine back then. So she took it out on Katherine. Mrs. McIntyre loves Barrett though. She finally decided her baby boy was old enough to have another woman in his life.

"Hey since Barrett and Katie girl are becoming such good friends, maybe they can travel together to come to a couple of shows." Jordan says to Joe.

"J, Barrett's going to be with me the whole tour. I'm not leaving my wife and son behind. I want them there every night. She might leave when she gets farther along. She might not be comfortable being big and pregnant on the bus. We'll just play it by ear. But I know Barrett will love to see Kate during the tour."

"Barrett and I had dinner with her a couple of weeks ago. Those girls of hers are so cute. It was good getting to see her in mom mode. It's a whole different Kate than any of us remember. Ryan was pretty nice too."

Jordan looks up, "Ryan was there?"

"Yeah, I guess he was dropping the girls off and she asked him if he wanted to stay. He was really nice. But Jordan if you plan to win him over, you've got your work cut out for you."

Katherine's phone chimes just as she sits down on her couch and opens her book. It's a text from Jordan.

Jordan "Hey beautiful, was thinking about you and wanted to say hello. So, hello my Katie girl. "

Katherine "Hello handsome. How's rehearsals going?"

Jordan "It's going.... All the guys said to tell you hi. They want to know why you haven't stopped by."

Katherine "I've picked out a couple of shows to come to. I'm definitely coming to the one in San Diego and I was thinking I could stay in Ocean Beach."

Jordan "That's a good idea. You haven't been to our house in years. I'll get you a set of keys made. What's the other show you'll be coming to?"

Katherine "Glasgow."

Jordan got excited, they'd talked about how much he loved Scotland back in 89 or 90. Now she was going to come see it.

Jordan "You remembered."

Jordan's phone rings, it's Katherine, of course.

"Yes I remembered. I remember everything we've ever talked about. You spoke so highly of Scotland and I've always wanted to see it. So I'm thinking about bringing the girls with me to California, let them play on the beach. But I'll bring Michelle to watch them while I'm with you."

While she's with him, this comment makes the biggest smile form on his lips. She plans on spending time with him. This makes him happy beyond belief. They talk awhile longer and he promises to get her a set of keys to their house in San Diego before he leaves.

He's not sure if it's an accident or on purpose, but she says I love you as they say goodbye. He automatically says it back to her.

Katherine holds her phone to her chest after they hang up. She can't believe she just told him she loves him. And what's more unbelievable, he said it back to her. What the hell?

After that conversation they don't speak again, except through texts, until right before he leaves for tour. He shows up at the zoo the day before he's leaving.

"Hey Katie girl." She doesn't turn around to face him immediately. The sound of his voice behind her makes her instantly nervous. A good, excited, kind of nervous. She finally turns to face him and he's standing so close to her. He smells so damn good.

"Hi Jordan. What are you doing here?"

He takes her hand and out a set of keys in it. "Bringing you the keys to our house. And saying goodbye. We leave tomorrow. But I'll be seeing you in a month or so."

"Yeah and we can still talk or text. You be careful and have fun Jordan."

His hands go to either side of her face. He holds her in place as his lips find hers. He kisses her deeply and passionately in front of everyone in the penguin exhibit. And he doesn't care who sees them. He's going to make sure she feels this kiss on her lips until they see each other in San Diego.

Meant To Be (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction) Sequel to Meant For MeWhere stories live. Discover now