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"No Jordan, not at all. I just put the girls to bed. I've got a minute."

"Just a minute? That's all?" He sounds let down.

"Jordan, listen, I'm sorry. I can't just drop everything in my life because you want to talk. I appreciate you trying and showing me attention, but I don't think this is ever going to happen Jordan. I just don't have time to start something new right now. My girls come first, always, Jordan."

"Katie girl, it's not like we just met. We really wouldn't be starting something new. We're already a few steps ahead of "something new"."

"Are we though Jordan? What we had was a hundred years ago. We don't even know each other anymore. We can't let one nice night cloud our vision to what this really is."

"And what is this really?" Jordan asks sounding a little upset.

"Jordan..I don't know. A trip down memory lane? Wishful thinking?" Katherine's honestly not sure what to call it.

"You mean a mistake? Right?"

Katherine's surprised at how angry he sounds. "I didn't say that Jordan. Those weren't my words, or my thoughts."

It's silent on the other end of the phone for a minute. "Katie girl, do you want us to just go our separate ways? Call this a nice encounter and just move on? I don't want to do that, but I also don't want to pressure you."

Katherine feels terrible for being so nonchalant about the night they shared with each other. It was amazing. She had such a great time with Jordan. Not just because of the mind blowing sex they had, but because just spending time with him made her feel more alive than she had in a really long time.

Was that a good enough reason for a complete upheaval of her life? No way would it be easy with Jordan. Plus he was going on tour later this year. No telling how long he'd be gone either. Life on tour is a hard life. For both involved. Life for the loved one left at home was not easy, this she already knew. She'd watched her and Joe's relationship fall apart because of him being on tour. She didn't want to do that again.

"Jordan, I, in no way shape or form think last night was a mistake. Last night was amazing. But we can't build a life together on one amazing night. You'll be leaving to go on tour this year. How in the world would this work with you on tour? Let's work on rebuilding our friendship, maybe see where we are after your tour. I think it's important we learn to be friends again. That's what our love was build on before. We need to start a new foundation to build upon."

"I can live with that Katie girl. You have to promise me one thing though. Promise me you'll come visit me on tour at least twice. It's going to be a long tour and I'd love for you to visit me as many times as you want. But I'm asking you to promise me two shows. Any two shows you want. Will you do that for me?"

Katherine thinks about his request. Two shows isn't too much to promise him. And she can pick the two cities to visit. "Okay Jordan, I promise, at least two shows."

They talk until well after midnight. Spending hours catching up and laughing about good times. When their time in California comes up, Jordan gets quiet, but Katherine is determined for them to get past their past. "So whatever happened to our house in Ocean Beach?" She realized after she left that night, she never heard anything else about it. "We still own it. I never changed anything. I moved all my valuables out but left a lot of furniture. I still pay someone to clean it each month and to keep an eye on it."

Katherine can't believe they still own the house in California. It blows her mind he didn't sell it and that he kept her name on the deed. Her first thought is about how much her girls would love it there. They love the beach and the ocean. They'd lose their minds to live in a house where the backyard is the beach.

"Why didn't you sell it Jordan? It's crazy to have kept it all these years."

"Katie girl, I couldn't sell it. It was our home. It was all I had left of you. I knew if I sold it, you'd really be gone forever."

She's overcome with emotions. Happiness, sadness, nostalgia. She thinks it's the sweetest thing she's ever heard.

Jordan feels the conversation is taking a turn, so he changes the subject. He begins asking her questions about the girls. He wants to know more about them and what they're like.

"Well Kinsley is so sweet. She's a pleaser. She wants everyone around her to be happy. She does whatever she can to make others smile. If I'm upset or not feeling well, she will try to take care of me. She's a wonderful big sister to Kaylee. She watches over her.

Now Kaylee is my headstrong, willful, wild child. She isn't scared of anything. That girl is fearless. She knows what she wants and she will make sure she gets what she wants. She gets into trouble a lot. But she, like her sister, is so caring. She'd never do anything to hurt anyone. She loves animals. She wants to live on a farm she says."

Jordan laughs, "Sounds like you have your hands full. How did they handle your divorce?"

"Kinsley took it hard at first, she hated us living apart from Ryan so much. That's why our custody is how it is, it only keeps them away from each of us one or two days. I have them every other night, then every other weekend."

"What are their favorite colors and favorite animals?" Jordan asked her. Katherine wasn't sure why he wants to know all this but she tells him. "Kins loves blue or red, and Penguins or Giraffes are her favorite animals. Kaylee loves purple and dogs and unicorns are her favorite animals. But really any animal is Kaylee's favorite. She loves discovering new animals that aren't seen every day."

"So you've got two super smart, super beautiful girls. Just like their Momma. How's it feel to be a mom? I always wanted to be a dad, but it just never happened for me. I can't imagine there being anything better in life than to have kids. A little piece of yourself to live on after you."

"Oh Jordan, I never felt more complete in my life than I did after having my babies. You still have plenty of time to have kids Jordan."

"Are you happy with just your two? Have you ever given any thought to having more?"

Katherine thinks about it, "I guess I never really thought about it. I'm thankful for what I have. But I would have liked to have a son."

Meant To Be (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction) Sequel to Meant For MeWhere stories live. Discover now