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Katherine's nervous about seeing Jordan for dinner. She isn't sure this was such a great idea. Looking down at the outfit she chose, she thinks it might send the wrong signal. Her dress is low cut and pretty short. But she wasn't thinking about anything other than making him regret what he did to her all those years ago. Now she is second guessing her decision. But it's too late to go home and change. She grabs a little jacket she has in her car and decides to at least cover up half the outfit.

Katherine sends Jordan a text and let's him know she's downstairs. It takes him a few minutes to text back.

Jordan "Sorry, I'm running a little behind. I'm in room 951, come up."

Katherine "I'll wait down here. How long are you going to be? I don't have all night."

Jordan "I'm hoping not much longer. Just come up, have a drink. I'll finish up quicker if you're here."

Katherine waits another ten minutes, then heads to his room. When he opens the door, she can't believe how good he looks. It makes her instantly hate him. Why does he have to be so fucking gorgeous?

He's on the phone and motions for her to come in. She walks in behind him and can't stop herself from watching his ass as he walks away. Damnit! Why is his ass still so nice?

Katherine walks over to the bar and pours herself a drink. She definitely needs one. She downs her first drink and is starting on her second one when Jordan walks into the room. "Sorry about that. The news of the reunion has everyone wanting to talk to us now. Where were all these people when I released my last solo album?"

Katherine doesn't say anything, "Let's just get this over with Jordan. I'm not here to hear about your life now. I only want to know one thing."

"Katie girl you said you'd have dinner with me. I'll tell what you want to know but you have to tell me what I want to know too."

"Please stop calling me that." She says, her voice breaking. Its so hard being here with him. But hearing him call her Katie girl is like a dagger to her heart. Tears fill her eyes, threatening to fall, but she refuses to let him ever see her cry again. She downs her second drink.

"What am I supposed to call you then?" His face falls, he can't call her Katherine like everyone else does. His heart sinks seeing the look on her face, she's serious. "You really hate me now don't you? Is there anything I can do to make you not hate me?"

"Jordan I don't hate you. I don't think I could hate you, even though I've wanted to over the years." She had wanted to hate him. God how she wanted to hate him. It would have made life so much easier for her.

"Well that's promising."

"What's promising Jordan?"

"Its promising that you don't hate me. That means there's still a chance to make things right." He smiles at her. She does her best not to smile back but its damn near impossible, his smile is still so infectious. "Are we going to have dinner or what, because I'm starving Jordan."

He laughs, "Would you like to just order room service? I'm afraid we won't have privacy if we go out. The news of the reunion was a little bigger than we expected. Is that okay with you?"

She pours herself another drink, "Yeah I guess that'll be fine. Just order me a Ceasar Salad please. Can I use your restroom?" He of course says yes. So she  goes into the restroom and looks at her reflection in the mirror, "Pull it together Katie girl. Remember this is the man that broke your heart. Stop letting that smile and those eyes distract you. Just find out what you need to know and get the fuck out of here."

She fixes her lipstick and her hair and opens the door. He's standing right on the other side waiting for her. "Dinner will be about thirty minutes." He looks her up and down, "God Katie girl you are still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You haven't aged a bit."

She finally starts to feel relaxed, the drinks finally kicking in. "Thirty minutes huh? Well how do we pass the time?" Stop flirting with him Katherine. What is wrong with you? "We can have that conversation I've been wanting to have for nine years."

Jordan is staring at her. He swears she was just flirting with him. "We can do that, or maybe something more pleasurable?" He steps up close to her, leaning in to whisper in her ear. Her breath catches when she feels his breath on her cheek. His lips lightly brush her skin and she feels the heat from his lips. But she pulls herself together and ducks under his arm to get away from him. He smirks, maybe he read her wrong. Oh well that was nice. She still smells so fucking good. She still wears the same perfume. 

Katherine sits down on the couch in the other room of his suite. She has her drink in her hand taking a sip when he walks back into the room. He sits on the couch with her. "Tell me about yourself Katie girl. I know you've got two beautiful little girls. Are you married?"

She takes a deep breath, "No, not anymore, I'm divorced, again. But I did remarry after you. And I had two precious little girls with my husband."

"When did you get divorced?"

"Ryan and I divorced about three years ago. But we're still very close. We're raising our girls together." Jordan recognizes the name Ryan, and wonders if she's talking about her research partner. "Ryan? The same Ryan that you went to Antarctica with? You married him?"

"That's the one, yes. We married around a year after you left me and he'd helped me pick up all the broken pieces of my life." There's sharpness in her voice. And he can see she's getting angry again. Thankfully there's a knock on the door. Jordan jumps up and goes to answer the door. Its their room service. Jordan tells the guy to sit it on the table and then he tips him as the walks him back out.

Jordan sees Katherine has finished her third drink now. She gets up and pours herself another one. Jordan grabs two bottles of water and sits them on the table. She looks up at him. "Is that for me? Are you telling me something? Do you want me to not drink anymore?"

"No not at all. I just thought I'd offer it to you. Drink whatever you want. So let's get back to our conversation. You married again, had two little girls, then got divorced again but still get along. Why did you get divorced?"

Katherine begins to eat her salad. Ignoring his last question.

Finally Katherine speaks again, "So now it's your turn to answer my question. Who did you cheat on me with?"

He looks across the table, stares straight into her eyes, "I didn't cheat on you. I was on my way to see a girl I met when you called. When I heard your voice the guilt of what I was thinking about doing made me turn around and go home. I felt so terrible for just getting close to doing it, it killed me. I kept feeling tempted, constantly, and I knew I wouldn't be able to make it a year with the kind of temptation I already felt. So I did what I thought was right for you. Then you got home so early and I knew I'd made a mistake. But I swear to you Katie girl I never cheated on you."

Katherine stands up angrily, knocking her chair over. She doesn't say anything to Jordan, she just grabs her purse and heads to the door to leave. When she gets to the door Jordan jumps up and goes to stop her.

Meant To Be (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction) Sequel to Meant For MeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora