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San Diego

Katherine, Kinsley, Kaylee and Michelle arrive in San Diego the day before the concert. Katherine wanted to have plenty of time to get settled in the house and for the girls to feel comfortable before she ran off to see Jordan.

Pulling up to the house she and Jordan had bought together all those years ago brought back so many memories and emotions for her. She never expected to be back here. Hell she didn't even know it still belonged to her and Jordan until recently. It was a nice surprise though. A surprise that's made even nicer when she sees the look on her daughter's faces as the walk into the house.

Everything is stocked up in the kitchen. The furniture is all new and so beautiful. The best surprise though is upstairs. Katherine takes the girls up to pick out the rooms they'll sleep in, but there are already signs hanging on the doors, Kinsley on one and Kaylee on another. Each girl has a room already fixed up just for them.

Kinsley's room is decorated in red and blue. A red bedspread and blue pillows. Stuffed animals everywhere. But the prominent theme is Penguins and Giraffes.

Kaylee's room is decorated in purple, every shade of purple. Her bed has a dark purple bedspread with violet pillows. Her room is also covered in stuffed animals. Strange stuffed animals.  There's a sloth, a Koala bear, a red panda, there's even a Jackalope. Katherine laughs at this one. And of course, unicorns.

The girls are so excited. Katherine can't believe Jordan did all of this for her girls. And just for a few days stay. He really is something special Katherine thinks. Katherine isn't sure if she wants to stay in her and Jordan's old room or not, until she opens the door and peeks inside. It's all redecorated too. A brand new California King bed with the most beautiful gray and turquoise bedding and pillows. Gorgeous photos hanging on the walls of sunflowers. And a framed photo of them at dinner after they got married sitting on the nightstand. Along with the framed photo of her and her parents that she carried with her everywhere after they died. She can't believe he still has this. She really can't believe she left it the night she left. Her heart bursts with love for that amazing man. He's really doing his best to make things up to her.

She and the girls have an amazing day at the beach. The water is a little to cold for them but they do splash around some. They hunt seashells and even five a few sand dollars.

After dinner and baths and putting the girls to bed Katherine finally has time to text Jordan.

Katherine "What an amazing surprise I found when I walked through the house. Thank you so much for everything you did to make the girls and I feel comfortable. Both girls love their rooms. As do I. You never cease to amaze me. Can't wait to see you tomorrow."

She knows he has a show tonight and won't get her message until he's off stage. She figures she'll be sleeping before he ever gets a chance to respond. She's right. But she did have a nice text to wake up too.

Jordan "I'm so glad you all liked your rooms. I really hope you liked the surprise I left on the nightstand for you. The rooms are just the beginning of making things up to you. I plan to continue amazing you every chance I get. When you get to the venue tomorrow give them your name and they'll bring you back to the dressing rooms. See you then."

Jordan is ready to see her. He misses her so much. Setting up the house for her and her girls was the least he could do. He wanted them to feel at home. He's glad it was a hit. Now he's left waiting to see her. Just a few more hours.

Katherine gets ready and both girls make Jordan thank you cards for her to take to him. She thinks that's so sweet of them. They don't let her see the cards first. They put them into envelopes and seal them before she can take a peek. Its finally time for her to go and for some reason she's so nervous.

Its been years since she saw him and all the guys perform. That part she's excited about. It's seeing Jordan that's making her nervous. She misses him. She can't stop herself from thinking about kissing him or doing other things to him. It's been a while and she finds herself having very dirty thoughts about him.

She needs to shake those thoughts because he's going to be busy while she's there and they probably won't even have any alone time. Because after this show they'll be back on the road and heading to the next show.

Arriving at the venue Katherine sees a huge crowd out front. Wow, they really are still loved by their fans. This time around it's not a bunch of little girls, those girls grew up and the crowd is all grown women. Their fans grew up and never forgot them. They still love these guys and it definitely shows.

Katherine makes it to the front of the crowd and gives her name to security. They call it in and tell her someone will be right out for her.

To her surprise it's Big Dan Wood who pulls up on a golf cart to pick her up. "Big Dan!! It's so good to see you." He gives her a big hug. "I was so sorry to hear about Betty. She was always such an amazing woman."

"Thank you Katherine. She always loved you so much. Are you ready to see the boys tonight? It's not going to be the same group you saw all those years ago."

"Yea Dan I'm so ready!"

He takes her to the guys family room to wait for the guys. Barrett is there with Griffin, Jon and Jordan's sisters and mom are there. Katherine gets emotional when she hugs Marlene. This woman was the closest thing she'd had to a mom over the years. She's always loved her so much. "Oh don't cry sweetie. I'm so happy to finally see you again. Jordan says he's trying to woo you again. How's he doing so far?"

Same old Marlene, cutting right to the point. "I'm not sure I'd call it wooing me. But we're getting to be close friends again."

Marlene laughs, "Oh honey, who are you trying to fool? You and Jordan will never be just friends. You two are meant to be. You just have to get the timing right for you both. I hear you're a mom now. Let me see some pictures."

Katherine shows her some pictures she keeps in her wallet. Then she shows her what few she has on her phone. "Oh Katherine, that Kinsley is you made over. And that little Kaylee looks mischievous. I bet they keep you pretty busy don't they."

"Yes they certainly do. But Kinsley is a great big sister and helps keep Kaylee out of too much trouble. And their dad and I co-parent really well together. So parenthood has been pretty easy for me."

Katherine sits patiently with the rest of the family members waiting to see the guys. She keeps herself busy with Griffin though. She so loves holding this little guy.

Meant To Be (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction) Sequel to Meant For MeWhere stories live. Discover now