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Flying home all of Katherine's thoughts are of her time with Jordan. She was so worried about not seeing him for a while but found out they will finish up the European leg of the tour at the beginning of February. Then he'll be home for a whole month.

The plan they came up with is for her and the girls to visit him and his family in Boston when he gets back. She wants to be there when he tells his family about the baby.  She also wants the girls there with her. She thinks it's important for them to get to know Jordan and his family before the baby gets here. She just has to convince Ryan. First she has to tell Ryan that she's pregnant and she's not sure how that's going to go. She hopes he can just be happy for her.

Katherine's so happy to see the girls and Ryan waiting for her at the airport. She's missed the girls so much. She can't wait to tell them about the baby. They'll be so excited about having a baby brother or sister. Secretly she does hope it's a boy. But she'll be happy with healthy.

"Mommy!!!" both the girls yell and run for her.

"Hello my beautiful babies! I missed you two so much. I can't wait to show you all the pictures I took. You'll be so jealous."

"Did you bring us back anything Mommy?" Kaylee asks her.

Kinsley corrects her little sister, "Kaylee, that's very rude, you don't ask for presents."

Katherine hugs Kaylee, "It's okay. You know I wouldn't come home empty handed." She hands them each a stuffed Highland Cow. They both hug them.

"Oh mommy he's so cute. I love his bangs. Thank you." Kinsley says.

"Momma is this a real cow? It's so hairy. I love him." Kaylee says.

"Well you're both welcome. But those are from Jordan. He knows how much you both love animals, so he picked those out for you."

"So you had a good trip? Things went well with Jordan?" Ryan asks her.

She looks at Ryan, "Yeah it was really good. Scotland is a beautiful country. And yes everything was great. I was thinking we could talk tonight. I've got something I need to tell you. Can you hang around after the girls go to bed tonight?" He can tell she's nervous, this makes part of him nervous as well.

"Yeah, want to stop for some take out on the way home?"

It comforts her that he's so easy to talk to. She hopes he takes the news well. More children was always something he'd wanted, something they'd talked about but it never happened for them. Neither of them had ever discussed having more children with other people. But now she's having a baby not just with another man, with Jordan.

Over dinner the girls tell Katherine everything they did while she was gone.  They give her all the drawings they did for her. They tell her about how Daddy tried to cook Mommy's Fettuccine Alfredo but messed up the noodles. When Kaylee starts yawning, Kinsley tells her it's time for bed. Kaylee starts to argue but quickly stops, because she's tired and knows it is bedtime. Kinsley takes Kaylee up to brush her teeth and change for bed. Ryan and Katherine head up together to hug, kiss and tuck in the girls.

When they get back downstairs, Ryan cuts right to the chase. "Okay Katherine what's going on? Are you and Jordan getting remarried?"

Surprised he's so straight forward about it, she says, "No. It's not that. But it's something pretty big, I'm pregnant. I wanted to tell you before I tell the girls. The only other person who knows is Jordan."

Ryan sits quietly for a few seconds. He's really not sure what to say. He's a little pissed right at first. He feels a little betrayed. But that feeling quickly fades. And concern replaces it. "Are you okay with this? Is Jordan okay with it?"

"Yeah, I'm good with it. It wasn't planned at all. But babies are always a blessing. Jordan was surprisingly happy about it. He's very excited about being a father. He excited about being a family. Ryan you realize this makes him part of our family right?"

"So you are planning to marry him again?"

"No Ryan. I told him I wasn't ready to even discuss that. Look Ryan no matter what he and I decide I need your support. You'll be a part of it. We'll be one big happy family." She smiles and this causes him to laugh.

"Katherine I'm happy if you're happy. Congratulations. I've never doubted you before, I won't start now. You've got my support. You've got whatever you need from me. Always."

"Thank you, that's good to know. Do you want to be here when I tell the girls?"

Ryan thinks for a second. "I'd love to. But I think Jordan should be a part of that conversation too. He's going to be part of the family after all."

Katherine can't believe Ryan said this. It warms Katherine's heart. "Okay. Let me check the bands schedule and see where they'll be in the next couple of weeks." Katherine pulls out the list of tour dates Jordan had given her before she left so if she decided to come see him again. "How about next week in England?"

"In England? That's a little short notice, to plan a trip to Europe, don't you think? And it'll be so expensive. Katherine can't it wait until they come back stateside?"

"Do you really think I can wait that long to tell the girls? You're the one who said Jordan needed to be there."

Ryan nods his head. "You're right. Make the arrangements and I'll be there." Ryan kisses her on the cheek and goes out the door.

Katherine immediately calls Jordan. Surprisingly he answers. "Hey Katie girl. You make home okay?"

"Hi Jordan. Yes. I'm home and I told Ryan. I asked him what he thought about him being here when I tell the girls about the baby. And he's gone with that, but he thinks that you need to also be with us. Since you'll be a part of our family now."

Jordan smiles, the thought of being part of her family overjoys him. "Well Katie girl, I won't be back stateside for a little while longer. Can you wait that long? I mean I'd love to be there when you tell the girls, but I don't want you to have to wait for me."

"We won't have to wait if we come to you. Ryan has said he can come to England with me and the girls. I was thinking we'd be there for your last show in England. Is that okay?"

"That would be amazing. I'll set everything up. Four tickets to Newcastle   will be waiting at the airport for you. I'll take care of everything. Oh Katie girl, I love you so much. I can't wait to see you again."

Meant To Be (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction) Sequel to Meant For MeWhere stories live. Discover now