Chapter twenty-seven: Another injury

Start from the beginning

Of course I tried to keep up, but Callum's jog is my sprint and I was in clothes that were holding me back so that ended up not happening.

"You jerk." I hissed, Deciding to ditch my clothes. Well obviously not my boxers considering that would be hella awkward. But I ditched my pants and my shirt and I practically squirmed as Callum looked at me smugly.

It's not like seeing a guy in boxers is weird or anything, but being in boxers in front of your crush was weird.

I hoped if my sister just so happened to look out the window she'd see the wet hair and realize why I was in my underwear instead of thinking I just was being a freak.

I chased callum, listening to him laugh maniacally as I stumbled to keep up with him.

At one point he jumped over a rock we had for decoration and, in an attempt to be cool, I tried the same... except unlike Callum, every fiber of athleticism in my body was literally nonexistent so I stumbled before the floor found its way to my butt and soon enough I was writhing in pain.

Callum jogged over to me. "Shit, Josh. You good?" He asked, concern written all over his face.

I glared at him. "No you rare species of stupid dolphin. I'm not good. I think I broke my ass." I said, hand on my back as my tailbone throbbed. Damn I'm good at insults. I should be a professional.

Callum chuckled but tried to hide it. I could tell he was worried and had no idea what to do.

He looked around. "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't even have any time to look at what was in your phone."

I glared at his stupidly attractive concerned face, "It doesn't."


"So what happened?" Sylvia asked as I laid on my stomach, ice pack on my butt.

"Uh, he fell when we were running outside. Tripped over the rock."

Sylvia turned away to hide her snicker. "That seems logical."

I groaned, "Shut up, I'm in pain." I said, burying my head into the pillows.

After I had hurt myself, Callum shamelessly carried me bridal style into the house, which on its own had me crying in embarrassment, and then he laid down so gently I thought I wasn't even touching the couch until my head hit the arm of it, and then he was the one to place the ice bag on my ass and now I'm dying of embarrassment as Sylvia laughed and Callum had guilt on his face.

"You always manage to get hurt when I'm around." He joked lightly.

I cackled but stop when it made my broken ass hurt. I wasn't big on cussing. I did it, but not as much as Callum. But right now I could give out every cuss word there is and even make up new ones. I was dying.

I groaned again as the couch dipped down from Sylvia and my body shifted just slightly.

"Maybe we should take him to the medical center-"

"No way. Absolutely not. I am not catching the Rona because I broke my butt."

Callum chuckled but then cleared his throat and nodded, agreeing with me. "What do you think we can do though?" He pondered, "Maybe we should raise his hips so it's less tension on them."

Sylvia looked at Callum with a weird stare, "Did you just say something logical? I didn't know you had it in you?"

Callum glared, "Shut up. I have as many brain cells as you do. None."

Ooo, self burn. Those are rare.

I cackled as Sylvia and Callum started to spit insults back to back to eachother. Although Callum dealt with years of me so he was a pro at comebacks.

It made me kinda realize that, maybe, I talked to Callum more than I talked to my own sister.

Now that was a weird realization.

The kid that I call my best friend was more involved with my life than my sister. But Sylvia and I were still close. I'd jump in front of a bullet to save her, but probably not a train.

I was about to tell the two to stop talking when Sylvia sighed and grabbed a pillow, "Lift his hips and I'll put a pillow under than so they're raised slightly."

Callum glared one final time but did as told, hands going to my hips and lifting them gently.

I glared at Sylvia who may or may not have been cackling at me. Did I tell her? Did I not? God I can't even remember. She certainly new now because I was blushing profusely.

Callum was extremely gentle, making sure not to hurt my broken ass any more.

Constantly asking like 'are you okay?' Or 'does this hurt'. The most embarrassing one was 'Can I go further?' As he asked how much further up he could raise my hips.

When the pillow finally went under my hips and Callum let go and my body relaxed it was like, the best feeling in the world.

Oh and, by the way, I was still in my boxers, which is why Callum lifting my hips affecting me more than it should've.

Callum sighed slightly when he noticed I was a lot less tense. "You good?" He asked, eyeing my head searching for eye contact.

I met his green eyes with my brown ones and nodded. "As well as I can be with a broken ass." I said, watching his lips pull into a smile and then he chuckled.

"Better than a broken dick.


When I was a kid I fell onto concrete and broke my tailbone and even to this day it still hurts sometimes, it's just kind of a detached bone now, like the kneecap.


I absolutely love reading your guys' comments because it makes me happy cuz I know wattpad isn't glitching and giving me fake views 😂 and I feel proud knowing that people out there read my story and like it 🥺

We're almost at 9k which is wack since we just reached 8k last week. (I think it's very cool to me seeing how I can look back at almost 250k)

I'm so happy for all of you and I hope you're happy too ❤️

Hope you enjoyed!

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