
Pansy's voice came from across the Common Room, where she was sat with the rest of their friends, tucked under Malfoy's arm. Magnolia felt her smile falter a little at the sight, but her friend was so happy.

"Can I help you get ready? We've barely had any girl time recently."

Magnolia felt the guilt creeping back into her; Pansy was right, they hadn't had a lot of girl time. Magnolia had actively been avoiding it, instead spending more time with her brother during his exile from his own friends. She also felt terrible every time she looked at Pansy.

Pansy had been her best friend since Magnolia came to Hogwarts, she stood up for her and helped her learn about the Wizarding World without making her feel like she was inferior. And yet, Magnolia was sneaking around behind her back with Malfoy. Maybe she should tell Pansy about her Occlumency lessons.

"Sure, I wasn't planning on doing anything special though."

"Nonsense! George will be there won't he?" Pansy jumped up from the sofa, "You have to look your best!"

Magnolia smiled at her infectious enthusiasm.

"Ok, Ok! I am at your mercy." She laughed.

"Wonderful, let's go get started." Pansy turned back to Malfoy, bending to kiss him, "I'll see you later Drakey."

Magnolia saw Malfoy's eyes flicker to hers before kissing Pansy back. The knot is Magnolia's stomach reappeared, tighter then ever, and she turned to go to her Dorm. Pansy joined her moments later in their Dorm, a smile spread across her face.

The girls sat on her bed, Pansy deciding what to do with Magnolia's hair, chatting about the First Task. Pansy had seen Magnolia with George in the stands. Kaida was chasing a moth around the room, jumping on beds and across spaces.

"I wouldn't have actually seen you if it weren't for Drakey. He was the one who saw George with his arms around you." Pansy smiled, wistfully, "I think it's good, him seeing other couples. Especially you and George. George is so affectionate with you, he obviously cares about you a lot, more then just for some fun."

Magnolia cringed as Malfoys own words repeated in her mind, 'We're not together. We just have some fun', 'Pansy knows the situation. She enjoys it'. She had almost believed him. She had wanted to believe him.

"George and I aren't a couple." She murmured, the only response she could give.

"You could be. George obviously wants to be." Pansy responded, picking up pieces of Magnolia's hair. "The question is, do you want to?"

"Honestly? I don't know."

"Why not?" Pansy gasped, "Merlin! Is there someone else!? Do you like someone else!?"

Pansy abruptly stopped what she was doing, moving from behind Magnolia to in front of her.

"Do you? Do you like someone else?"

Magnolia looked at her friend, grinning at her in excitement, and knew that she couldn't tell her the truth, at least not the whole truth. Instead, she decided to tell Pansy what she could.

"George is just so good." Magnolia began, "He's too good. He doesn't understand what it's like to have this... this darkness inside him. He just shrugs things off, saying it isn't me or trying to convince me I'm better than I am."

Magnolia shook her head with a sigh as Pansy listened to her best friend. Pansy had always been good at listening.

"I know I'm not my brother. He is good, completely. I'm not. I never have been. There's always been that part of me that people just can't comprehend that the sister of the Harry Potter to have within her. It's like George refuses to see it. Or maybe I try to hide it from them. But I shouldn't have to or want to hide that from him."

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