"Look, Gab, I'm sure he's nice but, I'm not really looking to date anybody right now or be set up" Precious shrugged, turning to look ahead.

"Precious, we're both two beautiful black women who deserve the world. Now we've been at College for a little over a month now and the only guy we've been hanging around with ever since is boring ass James, so you have to come with me tomorrow night, please" she pleaded, clasping her hands together.

"Uh, in-case you forgot, I'm right here" James chimed in at Gabrielle. "And you shouldn't pressure her, if she doesn't wanna go on the double date then-

"Ugh stay outta this James, this is girl's business... besides don't you have basketball tryouts to go to and fail to make the College team?" she asked, as they reached outside.

James rolled his eyes away and groaned under his breath before speaking up. "For your information, I actually made the team this morning" he uttered.

"Seriously? you're like what 5'8, 5'9? they must be desperate" she sneered, folding her arms as she mocked him.

"They chose me, because I'm good at basketball" he hissed, looking directly at her.

"I'm sure you are" she replied.

He rolled his eyes away from her once again and said his goodbye to Precious, before turning to walk away. They watched as he walked further down, before turning to head in the other direction.

"Look, Gab, I'd love to go to the club if it was just the two of us, but I'm not in the right state of mind to go on a date" she breathed out, thinking back to Chris and Ian.

Gabrielle tapped lightly on her hip and pouted her lips, before speaking up. "Well, you see... I already told them you'd be coming" she uttered as Precious stopped dead in her tracks to look at her. "I'm sorry, I knew that if I asked you before you would've said no. C'mon, it'll be fun, and you never know we could both be dating somebody by the end of the semester. I have to go, but I'll see you back at our room later" she leaned down to give her a hug, before going to walk past her.

Precious closed her eyes and breathed out a deep sigh. She stood frozen to the ground  for the next couple minutes, in her own whirlwind of thoughts. As the cold October's breeze blew in her direction, she quickly zipped up her jacket and wrapped a scarf around her neck, before hearing the sound of her phone ringing from inside her backpack.

Opening the zip, she quickly reached inside for her phone. As she glanced down at the Caller Id to see that it was Ian calling, her heart rate began to quicken. She held in a deep breath and watched it ring for a few more seconds, before deciding to decline the call.

As she went to place her phone back inside her backpack, she heard a voice come from behind her, causing her heart rate to instantly increase.

"I never thought we'd get to a point where you'd avoid me and decline my calls".

With hesitation, she slowly turned her head around to see Ian, holding up his phone in his hand. The feeling of him grabbing her face and kissing her, came flooding back to her, causing her to look away from him and take a step back.

Ian peered down at her as she looked everywhere but right at him, whilst she nervously joined her hands together and pressed her lips tightly. Truth is he didn't know what came over him that night. He'll admit he lacked self-control in the past with many different women, but he was able to keep that self-control with Precious for a little while, till he no longer could. He knew the kiss completely threw her off and came as a great shock to her, but as much as he tried to regret it as she dated and is probably still in love with his nephew, he couldn't. 

His Saviour {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now