Chapter 19

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"What got into you earlier?" Stella cuddles up to me on the couch, snuggling her head into my shoulder and wrapping her arm around my waist after the dinner is finished.

My body goes rigid from the question and the sudden closeness of the woman I know I still love, somewhere deep in my heart. I guess I always will. "What do you mean?" I ask nonchalantly, placing my arm around her back as she nuzzles close.

"You were very... animalistic." I hear in her voice how carefully she is treading around the subject, cautiously choosing every word. It crosses my mind that the police may have already spoken to her regarding my current circumstances with Ashleigh.

"What can I say Stella, it's been a while and you're a beautiful woman."

"We've gone longer than that before and I've never been welcomed in such a fashion after the drought." Her hand moves along my leg, snaking up the open leg of my shorts and finding its way to my underpants.

"Was it not good?" I query, wondering what her angle is at the moment.

"I didn't say that," she replies in a breathy whisper, angling her head up to meet mine.

I place my hand on the side of her face and lean down into a passionate kiss, my hand entangling itself in her short blonde hair and holding her to me tightly. Stella moans against my lips as I push myself into her.

She removes her hand from my shorts in a quick movement and places it against my chest, pushing me back and breaking our embrace.

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly, feeling my own desire building. The monster awakening.

"No, no," she whispers, shuffling herself on the couch and suddenly straddling her legs over mine as she sits upon my lap. "Nothing is wrong at all." With one hand on my chest and the other holding tight on my shoulder Stella grinds herself down onto me as she leans in to continue our kiss.

My cock grows hard beneath her weight as I hold tightly onto her hips, grinding her harder into me as our passion grows.

A moan escapes her lips as she kisses me and her movements become more desperate as she begins grabbing at my clothing in an attempt to remove it.

I lift my arms and she pulls the shirt from my body, throwing it across the lounge room floor. With my hands on her skin I move my palms along her body up her sides, gathering her own shirt on my wrists as I move. Instinctively she also lifts her arms in order to be freed from the clothing, her need to be skin to skin with me growing.

Stella breaks our contact abruptly as she steps off the couch, pulling her own pants off and dropping them to the floor. With a ferocious look in her eyes she kneels on the floor between my legs, her hands making quick work of the shorts as I lift myself slightly from the couch.

My hard member throbs in front of her face as she gently caresses it with her hand.

Turning her head to the side she sticks her tongue out and licks it right from the base to the head, her tongue feels warm and inviting against it.

Without letting go she adds her lips to the mix and again sucks along the underside of my hard cock right to the base.

A moan of pleasure escapes my lips as she teases me.

Detaching herself she licks her lips playfully. "Do you want more?" she asks seductively from her position on her knees on the floor, looking up at me with those big green eyes.

"Yes," is my simple response, my hand finding its way to the back of her head completely of its own volition. I want my whole shaft in her mouth and I feel the monster within me beginning to rear its ugly head as my heartbeat quickens.

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