Chapter 8

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With a clipboard in my hands I watch each of my staff from a distance as they work on different jobs in the workshop. Each of them has been with me for more than a year and they all know what they are doing, but some of them have been getting lazy and it's time to give them all a kick where the sun don't shine to make sure the work is done efficiently and safely. There have been too many little mistakes and injuries lately. Little mistakes lead to big mistakes and I run a tighter ship than that, mistakes are not acceptable. Accidents are not acceptable. Complacency is not acceptable.

My business partner and I discussed crew negligence last night and decided it was best for me to have these discussions and make the judgement calls today.

I take time to talk to each of my employees individually regarding what I need from them and how they could perform their duties safer and without mistakes, specifically leaving Ashleigh until last.

"Ash I need to speak to you when you're done with that bilge," I casually offer as I walk past her back to my office. She has been servicing the pump for over two hours so far. I figure she will be packing up soon and finishing the job tomorrow, a regular service for that size bilge generally takes about four hours.

Her blue eyes meet mine and I'm sure I see a twinkle of anticipation. "I'm going to be at least another 30 or so with this, is that ok?"

We're only 15 minutes from knock off time now. I take a few steps towards her and a smile I cannot even control creeps onto my face as I begin to understand the weight of the situation she is offering me. "Are you working late today?"

"I was planning on it, yes, I can do the clean up tomorrow but I want to get the service finished today." Her lips curl up on the left side into a cheeky smile.

I feel something stir in my pants as the thought of another late night with her sparks a fire inside me, it's been weeks since our last encounter. "Ok, find me when you're ready then."

Returning to the front office I complete the last few reports quickly and bid goodbye to the three men as they finish for the day and head home. Benjy offers to stay back with me while we wait for Ashley to finish up, I assure him I have the situation under control and I'll make sure she gets to her car safely after we've had our chat.

I watch patiently from the office as they each get in their respective cars and drive out of the lot, off home to their families for the night. Benjy closes the gate behind him without locking it, he knows I'm less likely to forget to lock it if I have to open the gate first when I'm leaving.

As it dawns on me that I'm here alone now with her a sudden and intense need sweeps over my body in a rush of excited heat.

My addiction kicks in with a force more powerful than I'd ever felt before.

My need has been denied for too long now.

Desperation fills me and the monster inside roars for the satisfaction it has been craving for weeks.

I lock the glass front doors and head through to the workshop. We have 3 industrial roller doors, 1 of which is still up, providing light for Ashleigh working on the bilge pump.

I turn on the overhead lights and walk across the workshop to drop the roller door.

Guiding the chain through my hands I watch as the door quickly drops toward the floor.

My heart is pounding.

My mind is racing.

My member is throbbing.

My addiction is screaming.

The monster roars inside my head. It knows it's satisfaction is at hand.

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