Chapter 6

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With the near empty pizza boxes laying abandoned on the coffee table and the bottle of red sporting only a few sparse drops in the bottom I find myself completely wrapped up in the pleasure of her.

Somehow my addiction is both at peace and raging in the moment. All at once I'm completely satisfied with what I currently have and needing so much more.

I find myself on top of her on the couch again, we are both still clothed, but our hands and lips know no boundaries as we search each other longingly.

My hands are torn between groping all of her luscious curves and grabbing a handful of her hair as it sprawls out over the couch cushion.

Like teenagers in lust we spent the last hour making out on the couch, simply enjoying the building suspense of desire and passion.

"Ashleigh," I whisper into her open mouth as her panting starts to drive me wild.

"Yes?" her response is breathy and instantly makes me buck as I'm still tucked tight into my pants.

"I want to take you to my bedroom, and lay you on my bed, and lick and kiss and touch you all over before I make love to you. Is that okay?" I feel that this is a question I actually need to ask, I need to procure permission for the journey I am about to embark on, because what I want to do to Ashleigh in our remaining hours is like nothing we have done yet.

Her bright blue eyes are wide and glistening as she looks up at me, I know she is calculating her response, thinking about the possible actions and reactions of this exercise before consenting.

I wonder if she has ever actually 'made love' before the way I want to with her now.

I wonder if anyone has actually held her rather than just held her down.

I wonder if anyone has actually moved with her rather than just moved inside her.

I wonder if anyone has ever really loved her.

I mean really loved her.

I think I might actually love her.

Like no one else ever really could.

"Okay." Her response is quiet and almost unsure as she looks up at me. Her eyes are filled with something that I can only determine as trust, but laced with a definite fear.

My emotions twist around themselves slightly wondering why the thought of 'making love' would cause her to need that much trust in her lover. I feel something tear at my heart as I realise the depths of her darkness and the mere thought of things that may have happened to her dawn on me.

Moving myself carefully I step off the couch and bundle her in my arms bridal style, her arms holding tightly around my neck and her lips rarely leaving my own.

She wants this as much as I do right now.

I can sense her craving.

I can feel her longing.

I can practically taste her desperate need as our tongues dance around one another.

Taking careful and calculated steps I walk her to the bedroom and gently lay her down on my soft bed. The sheets aren't fresh, my dirty clothes are scattered around the room, and there are cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling collecting dust, but in this moment I don't give a damn.

I don't give a damn about anything other than her.

Positioning myself between her legs I gently pull her dress up to around her waist as I continue to kiss those beautiful full lips. She lifts her hips for me so the fabric slips lazily against my bed as I free her body from its constraints one inch at a time.

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