Chapter 18

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After another beer and some general banter I escort Benjy to the door and open it just in time to see Stella walking up the steps to my porch holding a bag of takeout food.

"Hello stranger," she jokes to me. A smile spreads across her face as her eyes fall upon mine and those deep green irises sparkle with excitement.

Benjy shakes my hand and wishes me well, saying hi to Stella as he passes her by on his way out.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as she leans in for a kiss.

Instinctively my hand wraps around her waist and I hold her close, feeling strange knowing that this is not Ashleigh.

"I haven't seen you in weeks!" Her voice rises slightly as she steps back from me and walks into my house.

It takes me a moment to remember that she is my girlfriend and she has keys to my house, technically this is her house too, and her house is mine. "I brought dinner," she calls from the kitchen as I hear the sounds of her rummaging for plates and cutlery. "You choose the movie."

Closing the door I make my way inside. My brain fights with my heart.

You need to be honest with her.

                      'But now is not the time.'

The woman you love is waiting for you.

                      'She can wait a bit longer, I know she will understand.'

Stella will want to sleep with you tonight, stay the night, make love again in the morning, you can't do this to her.

                      'But it could help my situation to have some of her DNA around the house over the next few weeks.'

That's depraved. You're using her.

                       'I'm just doing what I need to do to save myself, and Ashleigh.'

The battle rages inside my head and I simply smile at my girlfriend in the kitchen as she organises our dinner. All my favourite Chinese dishes are laid out on the bench and it smells divine.

You're sick.

                      'I'm just doing what needs to be done.'

"So?" she asks with a bubbly smile. "What are we watching?"

I know what I need to do.

Walking straight into the kitchen I wrap my arms around her body, holding her close to mine and kissing her passionately. "Forget about dinner," my husky voice commands as I move my kisses to her cheek and neck.

I plan to take her right here in the kitchen, on the bench, on the floor, on the dining table. Later the couch and rug will cop it. Tomorrow morning will be the bed.

"Stop it," she giggles lightly. "Come on let's eat. You can fool around with me later." She tries to pull away but I hold her tighter.

Turning her around I push her stomach into the kitchen counter, ravishing the back of her neck and exposed shoulders as I do so.

A moan escapes her lips as I push my hardened self into her ass, I feel her round cheeks against me as I push my weight into her, pinning her between my body and the cupboard.

"Malcolm," she whispers, her voice breathy and thick suddenly.

"Tell me to stop and I will," I give her the option to wait as I reach around and untie the bow on her pants, pulling them down to her knees along with her lacy panties.

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