Chapter 16

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"This place is beautiful," Ashleigh mentions through wet eyes as I get back into the car after unlocking the gate to my parents block.

"It's practically mine now, my parents have already put it in the will and I have the key but they are keeping it in their name for the time being both as a 'just in case' measure and to save me the money of actually buying it from them."

Ashleigh giggles. "That's somewhat morbid isn't it?"

"Maybe, but I get a wonderful bush block so I'm happy," I joke, not wanting to dwell too long on the impending passing of my parents in the coming years.

We drive along the track that leads to my caravan and I notice that some of the scrub is growing onto the track, I'll need to get out here with my tools and sort it out. My parents big F Truck won't get through here without being scratched down the sides.

"There it is," I point my finger to the very well disguised caravan parked up approximately in the middle of the block near a clearing where we have a fire lit in the evenings for warmth and ambiance when I spend the nights out here with my parents.

The large structure is hidden by trees and scrub for the most part, I specifically parked it somewhere that I could leave it for probably the rest of its life and still give me both the shade and the view I wanted when I was living in it.

"It has power," I point out the shed nearby that is filled with batteries and the solar panels on top. "You can watch telly, turn the lights on, make toast, but you might trip out a relay if you have more than 1 appliance going at the same time so make coffee before toast."

"Okay." She says the word with two long syllables, giving away her uncertainty about the situation.

"Don't stress, I'll show you the whole place before I leave and sort you out so you're nice and comfortable. I'll come and visit as much as I can for the next couple of days while you're out here, it won't be forever. There's plenty of water, I have the van hooked up to the rain water tank, and it has an inbuilt hot water system. And you'll be able to wander around the block and check out the wildflowers that will be just starting to bloom now."

Turning to me as I pull up beside the van Ashleigh smiles her gentle, warm smile. "It's beautiful Mal, thank you for letting me hide out here, even after all the shit I seem to have dumped you in right now. I'm so sorry." Tears fill her eyes again as she rests the side of her head against the headrest.

"Hey," I place my palm on her cheek and turn my body to face her. "It's okay, we are going to ride this through and get everything sorted out. It will be fine. You'll be able to rest out here, I have plenty of books and DVD's to keep you busy too."

Ashleigh smiles again without saying a word.

"Come on then," I prompt her. "Let me show you around."

Climbing out of the car I fumble with my keys to find the correct one for the van and unlock the front door, opening it wide to help let in some fresh air. The first 12 hours in it are always a little stuffy after a while of not visiting.

Ashleigh is right behind me as I step into the van and make my way around opening windows for her.

"Mal," she calls to me in a sultry tone and I turn to see her sitting on the edge of the bed, beckoning for me to join her. "How long can you stay?"

Scratching my chin I realize that I'm starting to grow a prickly stubble. "I can stay for a while." Taking the few step towards the beautiful woman she stands as I approach her, her head angling up to mine as I put one arm around her waist, holding her close. My other hand is placed gently on her cheek and I kiss her deeply, savouring every second of it.

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