Chapter 20

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"Ashleigh," I call out as soon as I step out of the car. She is already standing in front of the caravan having stepped out when she heard my car. "I'm so sorry," I say running to her and wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"Where were you?" She quietly asks, her head nestled in my chest.

"I got caught up. Benjy came to see me just as I'd finished cleaning, then Stella showed up."

She pulls back and looks up at me, her blue eyes holding a deep sadness. "You spent the night with Stella?"

"Only because I had to darling, please believe me. After cleaning out all traces of you that I could I thought it best for forensics to find her DNA throughout my house. Even if they do find a stray hair of yours or something we have a reason for that but there is some current form of Stella there. I need to do what I can to keep myself clear of this, at least until you call them and set things straight." I put my hand on her cheek and bend my head down to kiss her beautiful lips. "I love you Ashleigh."

Looking up at me Ashleigh does not respond to my statement verbally, instead she simply lifts herself to her tippy toes and kisses me again. "I understand," are the quiet words that slip so gracefully from her lips and I feel the weight on my shoulders lift. "I was so worried about you last night, I didn't know what had happened. I don't even have a phone for you to contact me on."

"I have a solution to that," I state quickly holding a finger up inspirationally. "Wait here." I quickly backtrack to the car and pull out a full shopping bag.

"You're going to fix my anti contact predicament with groceries?" Ashleigh's sass returns and I know she is okay with the situation again.

"Groceries and a prepaid phone," I state with a smile. I had done a quick supply shop knowing that there was only a small bag of groceries here that we brought with us yesterday. "Just need to activate it and add the credit."

A smile lights up Ashleigh's face as I walk back to the van. Grabbing her hand on my way past I pull her along behind me into the cozy living space.

"What did Benjy want? Is everything ok?" Ashleigh fills up the kettle and flicks the 'on' switch.

I pause, unsure if I should tell her everything, she has enough to worry about right now without stressing about what is actually happening at work and with me right now, even though technically it's her fault these things are happening. I don't want her to bear that burden.

"He just wanted to catch up about some work stuff and make sure I'm okay. I told him I'm a bit stressed and I would like to take some time off so he gave me all of next week off since things have settled down a bit."

This time Ashleigh pauses, half way through scooping coffee into cups. "You have the week off?"

"I certainly do." Walking over to her and abandoning the supplies bag I wrap my arms around her body from behind, trailing freshly shaved kisses along her neck and shoulder. I feel myself already growing hard from this simple act.

She moans slightly and squirms beneath me, enjoying the sensation coursing through her body as my lips ignite tingles down her spine. "So how long can you stay?" she whispers as she presses her body back against me, her words dripping with lust.

"I'll stay until Monday then I'll go home for a short while, grab some things if we need them and more supplies then come back here. We can stay together for most of the next week, I'll just duck to town when I need to."

"What about Stella?"

"What about her?" I ask shortly, my voice holding no emotion whatsoever.

Desperate Need (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora