Very Important Update

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Hey y'all,

Soooo uhh I haven't updated this story for six years. I wrote this when I was in middle school and now I'm a whole ass college student. But the fact that I get comments DAILY on this story still trips me up so much but also makes me so happy. I don't know how the hell y'all are still finding this story six years later but I'm glad that you're enjoying it.

Anyway, I don't remember shit about Percy Jackson and I can't read this story without dying a little bit, but I figure I owe everyone an ending. Getting emails begging me to update every day for the last six years was persuasive. Also, I think quarantine is making me lose it a little bit. So I'm planning on writing a final chapter (much longer than any of the previous ones) that will wrap everything up neatly so y'all don't finish this labor of love from my twelve-year-old self unsatisfied.

So keep an eye out for that. With that said, I am also a grown person with two minimum wage jobs now, and my free time is much more limited than it was when I was twelve. So if you're interested in reading a finale, please comment and let me know! I want to know if there's interest before I devote myself to wrapping this story up... six years late.

Thank you for your kind words for all these years, and thank you for reading!

(I don't remember my username lmao but this is the author signing off)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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