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Monique's POV:
I got up despite the burning in my throat, while the guys are gone I might as well start to clean to pass the time. I question how many people has been in this house or maybe the better question may be how many people has lost their lives in this house? But something tells me its better if I don't know. I go off in hopes of finding at least a laundry room. But no luck I swear to god its a fucking maze.

Andy's POV: 
The light of a new day is always a good day for massacre. But then I suddenly remember about my beloved newborn back at home,
I smile and continue to walk with the guys following behind, we soon see a girl that seemed to be walking home I start to listen to her thoughts "Stupid Mark think its funny to tie me up and throw me into the closet, should have known he was going to be a bitch." the girl ranted in her head I turned to to the guys and smiled we all know what to do. The grin of a mad man is on all of our faces, I slowly start to walk towards the girl hugging her from behind,I feel her freeze the sound of her heart quickening she tries to turn around which I allow. Her eyes show fear and panic, a low dark chuckle erupts from my throat, "don't scream" I whisper in her ear.

Monique's POV:
"I cleaned and washed everything Yes!" I yelled throwing my arms in the air falling down "ouch" I say until I suddenly hear a sudden a meow "oh hey Crow" I smile picking him up "how come I don't see you often" I ask he just stares at me blankly  "uh huh well I see you have the most fascinating life. How about telling me more while we walk to the bathroom" I say taking him to the bathroom to give him a bath.
( 3 minutes Later) 
"Oh my god can you please just let me clean you!" I cried to the cat getting him into the tub easy, cleaning him no. "Mother Fucker!" I yelled in pain raising my wrist that the cat just scratched I looked at my wrist "damn cat what is Andy going to think" I whispered looking at the wounds until I noticed something off my blood wasn't crimson red it was the deepest shade of red it almost looked black "what the?" I questioned looking at the cat "Well I think I cleaned you pretty well before this happened" I said releasing the water down the drain I wrapped Crow in a towel and dried him off and setting him free "now to tend the scratches" I said looking down at the still bleeding cuts.

Andy's POV:
The girl was kicking and trying with all her might to be set free and stop Jinxx from snapping her brothers neck, Once Jinxx snapped his neck I  heard a muffled scream coming from the girl "Ash can you come take hold of her for a sec?" I asked Ash he nodded taking hold of her "Alright we already found a new toy to play with, But lets find another one you know as a uh. snack" I said with a toothy grin I see every one smile in agreement "great but as for you" I say looking straight at the girl in Ashes arms "Im not sure if we should keep you awake or not, if your awake you could run and tell everyone about us and we can't have that" I say "but if your asleep your defenseless and can't do anything at all" 

Monique's POV: 
The burning in my throat is getting worse by the second I can barely speak it hurts so bad its like scratching paper moving up and down every time I try to speak. Its getting harder to breath Im gasping trying to air in my lungs the world is starting to go in circles. I suddenly hear the door open 
and close followed by walking that stopped once whoever it was saw me if I could hear correctly the sound of a phone number was being  punched in.
"A-Andy you need to hurry with the snack we're losing her" a panicked voice said running up to me I see the eyes of CC "h-hang in their buddy Andy is coming" CC reassured I managed to nod and cry out in pain he held my hand tightly letting me know I'm going to be ok A few seconds later the door swings open "CC bring her here" a voice says I feel myself being lifted from the couch and guided to Andy and a girl that is out cold I feel Andy grab my chin and make me look into his eyes "Drink" he says simply I feel my fangs retract and bury them selves into the flesh of the poor girl I feel warm blood fill my mouth I swallow and continue not even a  second later I realized what Im doing I pull away from the girls neck and make my canines go back to normal. I raise my hand to my mouth "What have I done" I thought I knew she was still alive I can hear her heart beating but just the thought that this was my life now it was overwhelming. I turned and saw another girl fear was clearly rushing in her veins panic in her eyes but her face showed pure horror. At first I thought it was because of what she saw but her thoughts said otherwise "h-her eyes their j-just like his"
it confused me so I left to find a mirror. Once I found a mirror, I saw a girl skinny with ivory skin, ebony hair that went down a little past her collar bone, pink plump lips, almond shaped eyes filled with a demons dark crimson. I nearly fell back from seeing my reflection until I see Andy walk towards me a twisted grin plastered on his face that stretched ear to ear  he hugged me pulling me close "you look even more beautiful" he murmured kissing my forehead "Now I can go on killing sprees with you by my side" he whispered in my ear thats when I snapped and forced him off of me.
"Who are you and what did you do to Andy" I screamed 
"Im right here darling" he said 
"No ,wheres the Andy I fell in love with yesterday the Andy that I remember crying when I almost died, where is he!?" I screamed tears threatening  to fall from my  eyes
"where is he? where did he go? Cause I certainly don't see him, all I see is a Monster  that I see today" 
A/N: Woah 3 months? I haven't updated this story in 3 months, holy shit thats a long time and I do apologize for that but you know the usual school work and writers block stuff you heard it all before but hey just be glad that I didn't discontinue it like I originally wanted to. Yeah their was a chance I would have discontinued this story cause for a while I was fed up with the story and wanted to write other things and stuff like that.Just wanted to thank you for all the hearts and reads it means the world to me considering when I first wrote this it was my first time writing and didn't think ill get one heart or a lot of reads. I thank you for that.  ( If your reading this on watt pad I'm still thankful the 9 votes I've received)Oh and have you read "World of Sacrifice" yet? Its not a love story but I'm trying my hand on a  Dark BVB story, check it out if you like. :) 

Im just going to be blunt explaining what happened to Andy and what vampire he is. The vampire that changed Andy was born a demon but was changed to vampire so half and half.But why the demon part doesn't show up in the guys is because at the time Andy only gave enough of his blood to change him because he was still alive and well , Andy had the guys change each other by hypnotizing them and doing a chain this is why once Andy goes bad it happens to all of them but no trace of a full on demon/vampire. When he changed Monique she was on death row and because she was basically murdered and the love between her and Andy caused the demon to come out to I guess avenge Monique, but even if she's awake and well the demon inside of him is ruthless and cruel killing anybody just to sooth his bloodlust. Why Monique has it is because she falling in a endless sleep and Andy gave her more of his blood to change her and make her live. 
If you have any questions just ask ill try to explain as best as I can and I don't think ill have as long of an absence again :)

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