Hello and Announcement

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ORIGINAL END: Feburary 20, 2015

Hello to those that find this story and to those that remain active.

It has been years since this story was last touched. I broke a rule never to touch this story or this account again, and seeing so many accounts gone honestly depresses me. But seeing a semblance of activity gives hope. I've grown a lot since my stories were first written. And the many that I remember to love to read are gone...

I want to make my stories what the 13-year-old me wanted them to be, so from here on, this story is being rewritten. And new stories will also come to remember and be what I was searching for. Hopefully, you'll join me for the ride :)

Still iffy on where to put the update, though, either here or on another account; if you see this, let me know~

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