Blood Slave

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"My head its aching. I don't want to wake up, what will await me " Slowly opening my eyes  I am greeted with a regular room no objects but a bed and and window. I try to move and hear rattling, i look down to see my ankle is cuffed to a bed leg. "seriously" i thought. 

Then it hit me like being slapped across my face. 

"I WAS KIDNAPPED" i screamed immediately regretting it when i heard footsteps no, running . towards the door 

I started panicking i tried running  forgetting about the chain falling down right when the door opened . yay ( Note sarcasm)

Somebody chuckled i looked up seeing cold glares from these weird people that looked a lot like Black Veil Brides.

Hmm. Then i heard this deep and cold voice " What are you doing" The one with hypnotizing blue eyes 

"panicking" i replied quickly. Blue eyes only smirked.He seemed to like that answer.

"Who are you?" i asked with slight fear in my voice 

Blue eyes said "i think you know us".  I shook my head still confused, 

He sighed BVB you know. "oh yeah  i know you guys" i responded 

everyone nodded and left the room but not Andy.

"okay now with that out of the way we can cover the rules"

Rule one: Don't run

Rule two: Don't disobey any of us

Rule three: Don't talk back or talk when not wanted to

Rule four: don't struggle when we feed 

Rule five : Follow all the rules Break any rules you WILL be punished 

I nodded "i am going to try  to not break any rules, Wait what i just remembered rule four feed?

What the fuck could that mean are they vampires?" i thought 

"Yes we are vampires" His sudden voice startled me 

"But there supposed be a myth" i said " no were real do you need proof love?"

"No Nope i believe you" i responded quickly Andy chuckled 

"wait you can hear my thoughts can't you?" he looked up and nodded

Note to self be carful on what you think i mumbled 

he smiled and said "even if you said you didn't need proof, i think ill just feed now your scent is driving me crazy"

I got scared and just moved my hair out of the way obediently . Bracing myself for the worst.

I felt his hot breath on my skin, Then feeling his fangs cut through my skin like nothing.

The feeling was not unbearable but it wasn't pleasant ether it was like getting a shot and the medicine going in your blood stream. only i was

getting weaker, my eyes was getting heavy. 

And i passed out from blood loss figures..

Andys POV:

Her blood was not like any others. She's a keeper 

but not only for her blood but for something else.

After she passed out i stopped and laid her on the bed. 

kissed her forehead and left the room.

What is this funny feeling in my heart.

Could it be love?

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