Heart Attack

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Just remembering made me cried harder, I miss my family and friends so much.

How did i even get into this mess.

I feel a hand on my shoulder I get out of Ashley's grip to see CC with a apologetic smile. I kind of smile and hug him, Then I feel another set of hands

 hug me, then another i was in a group hug and just felt a little bit better.

Once the hug was broken Ashley scooped me up and took me to just sit and talk while we got to the hotel.

Next Day 

I woke up earlier then expected it was  6:29 am usually its like 8 or something like that.

Everyone seemed up and very tired, I heard talking on the phone outside the door I shook it off 

And decided just to pick out some clothes for the day.

It was simple nothing to crazy or special. But I still felt down who wouldn't.

I hear the door to the room open and hear stomping, I need to time this right.

Technically I'm not breaking the rules I'm just going to the bus to check on the girl i felt sympathy towards her and i just needed maybe 

another girl to talk to.

But just to be on the safe side i left a note.

I peeked out of the bathroom door, seeing their distracted. I then put my slim pale hand on the door knob and open it quietly.

Going through and closing the door ever so quietly and left towards the elevator.

I wait for the elevator to get on the floor, thankfully it was really fast, I the click the L button to go down.

Took a minute then i was finally at the lobby i get out and head for the exit.  I find the bus and get inside no one,

But i hear crying i flinch in sympathy she has it worse then me. I guess she heard my foot steps cause the crying was kind of muffled and i saw the poor girl, She flinched with every step i took.  

"Hey its okay I'm  not here to hurt you. My names Monique and you are?" I said trying to reassure her i meant no harm,

i suppose she saw something in my eyes cause she relaxed a bit. M-my N-Name is L-Lela she stuttered  Nice name i said with a smile 


I don't mean to bring back the awful memory but are you ok after you know the "punishment" 

She shivered at the thought, yeah i guess ill have the cheshire grin permanently scared on my face but ya I'm fine,

she said with a voice almost like a child's.

We talked more about how we both got into this situation, my problems, and just fun memories from our past in general.

But all things great must end when we heard maybe angry stomps, Lela's  face what once held a smile and glimmering eyes now turned to a look of horror and fear. The stomps grew louder as they walked closer. Reveling a pissed off Andy, Right when he was about to punch me to learn my lesson 

Jinxx immediately  comes running grabbing Andys arm stoping the punch from ever colliding with mine or Lela's face. 

" Dude dont do it, she left us a note saying were she was she came here its not like she was at a park running away".

Andy however still looked pissed grumbling swears to himself and walked away, Jinxx looked at and smiled slightly grabbing my hand to take me away from Lela, I made a friend in this Hell, so it kind of hurt to leave her so I mouthed "See you Soon"  she slightly smiled and secretly waved goodbye.


I was on the phone with Jenifer saying i want out of this, Seeing Monique the way she was i could hear her thoughts and it broke my heart hearing the words she was saying. 

Andy honey what did i say get back with me or say good bye to Monique. She said

You Will Not Touch Monique.

We'll See Biersack.

was all she said before the call ended i screamed in frustration. stomping Back into my room that I shared with Monique,but right now the whole band is in here discussing the show tonight. I got sucked in it as well forgetting all about about Monique.


We finish taking for what seemed to be an hour or two.

We finally realize Monique isn't here. My blood started to boil with a hint of panic,

She actually broke a rule was she just playing some game putting a mask to hide who she truly is.

I was to angry i needed to find her i decided to first check the buss for the "punishment" supplies 

when i heard faint talking, Marched up seeing Monique and and the girl with faces full of fear i bring Monique up towards my face I'm getting ready

to punch her, when someone grabs my arm stoping me, i look behind me to see Jinxx

" Dude dont do it, she left us a note saying were she was she came here its not like she was at a park running away".

he said. I  was to fast to judge her, but i was still angry but i saw something in her eyes when i was about to hit her.

She looked slightly scared but i think she lightly flinched what has happened to her in past?

We were all in the bus arriving at our destination, 


W are heading out of the Venue, surrounded by bodyguards but all of a sudden a guy dressed in black skinnies and a sweater manages to get through 

security. Grabs Monique and starts running, Monique is flailing her arms and screaming for help.

We try to get her but the security forces us on the bus.

I think this is what Jennifer ment, No matter I'm getting her back..

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