Welcome to Hell Doll

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Waking up... Wait didn't i already live this? major Deja Vu Goddamn it.

I wake up any way tied up in a chair, Greeted with this abandon like basement. 

thiers spider webs every where, Dust fills the air and broken furniture, Dim lighting paints every wall.

Yup, My first kidnap was better. 

A sudden sound pulled me away from my thoughts, I see a guy with porcelain skin, Deep brown eyes but they look black, midnight black hair. 

He stalks up to me with a sickening smirk plastered on his face, "Oh Fantastic your up!" He chimes with a deep but slightly high pitched voice.

Forcefully he grabs my chin his nails digging into my flesh examining my face, He lets go of my face and takes a switch blade out cutting off the ropes 

Grabbing my arm painfully taking the blade to my wrist looks at me with cruel eyes and stabs the blade into my wrist Crying out in pain, But he simply ignores it and mercilessly  continues to carve into my flesh blood pours like a waterfall.

​A minute filled with cries and screams he finally finishes. He lets me bring my wrist back, Waking away laughing like a manic.

At the door he  looks directly at me and flashes a evil grin "Welcome To Hell Doll" He says slamming the door with a click i know its locked.

Falling to the ground holding my wrist close to me not even caring about my clothes, Taking a look at my wrist spells S.E with fresh blood showing.

 Andy were are you! I screamed,Crying letting sleep takeover.


Im walking the same street I was walking on when I was first kidnapped, 

Im yelling out for my friends I finally found them walking up to them with a smile.

I see that their messing around just like we use to.Running around playing tag I was going to call again until Nathaniel goes right through me 


Still on that street Everyone is playing.

Nathaniel comes running toward me, only this time he doesn't go through me but he makes me fall down,

He stands up helps me up and says "Whoops sorry about that, My names Nathaniel" He says and introducing the others.

I try to speak  but nothing comes out. " You mute" Ethan Says I nod he smiles and gives me a pen and note book and write

" Hi!  :) My names Monique. Nice to meet you "

 Every thing was fine and happy until I feel the rag on my mouth and nose, I hear the same deep voice and words I heard when I first kidnappedd

"come on doll you can't hold your breath forever"

I see my friends scream MONIQUE!! But before they can even get to me 

I see them slaughtered right before my eyes, drained of there blood and life.

I Close my eyes and everything goes black.


I wake up with even more tears. When will the tears end.

Why me? What did i do to deserve this?

The door swings open revealing the this nameless demon.

Awww is sweet cheeks crying? How pity full. How about you stop crying and screaming for your boyfriend "Andy" and start screaming 

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