I hate you

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I soon arrived at Nathaniel's house. walking up to the front door knocking. seeing my least favorite face of the group Dominic. Nathaniel and i once made the mistake of showing him "sexting" "scream for my ice cream" "and "innocent high" by Blood On The Dance Floor it didn't end well he became obsessed with hearing them and singing the lyrics out loud and those are NOT lyrics to be sang out loud. he's a perv end of story.

His eyes wondered down my outfit he's getting perverted thoughts again (and then he says he's not a pervert) i kicked him in the shin to make him snap out of it "OW!" he cried I chuckled and yelled "Dominique! your boyfriend needs your aid" he glared at me hatefully and limped away.

i walked in seeing Jade and Damien making out Dominic and Dominique arguing and Nathaniel trying to get love info from Ethan. i chuckled its always like this. i sat down with  Nathaniel  and Ethan listing to there talk about SKYRIM. Time passed until Ethan had to leave early.

it was now 6:00pm and i was laying upside down on the couch bored out of my mind,  when Nathaniel  asked hey Monique want to go to Ethan's party.? " Dude you know i don't like parties" " come on it will be fun" he exclaimed "no" i said sternly He pouted slightly and got this look in his eye i didn't like. he took my phone and texted my mom. " what the fuck is wrong with chu!"  i cried only to have a response from my mother saying okay why!

"i hate you right now" i glared at him

" ya but you love me!" he laughed 

i was NOT happy right now

We got going me being stubborn had to give in 


we finally got to Ethan's  house once i walked in music boombed through the speakers

and beer bottles clicked and the smell of smoke was terrible

I most defiantly did not like this i mumbled swears to myself and sat in a corner and blasted my own music.

Hours passed i finally checked the time only to see it was 12:00am my eyes widened and got up to leave only to bumped into Ethan 

"and where are you going princess" he slurred drunk i thought "home"i said blankly "oh no your not doll face" he picked me up and through over his shoulder " HEY PUT DOWN!" i yelled pounding on his back. he only chuckled

Grabbing a chair and rope he tied me down by the window and left.

"that little fuck" i mumbled angrily 

Forced to watch the drunk crowd and slowly fighting sleep

"i am going to beat there asses when there sober" 

i thought before i let sleep over come me.

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