Amusement Park (26)

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We barely got any sleep last night as Alana's flight was at 6am. We were up at 3, packing her hand luggage and any last snacks she wanted to take with her.

"Tu vas encore me manquer." (I am going to miss you.) I pouted as I put the last few in her handbag.

"tu vas me manquer mais nous continuerons à nous appeler." She said and I nodded. She showered and got ready and changed into a light V neck jumper and smart trousers with heels.

"You wear heels to the airport?" I asked her.

"You have to land in style hunny." She said and we both laughed. She tied her hair back and pulled me in for a hug.

"Make sure you actually call me." She said and I nodded.

"I promise." We said a prayer and then took her luggage down the stairs and to the car with Hector.

"I don't want you to go." I wrapped my arms around her waist and hers were around my shoulders. Mason had come down to also say his good byes.

"Don't worry, we'll be in Paris again soon eating at the petit cafe with our croissants and madeleines." She squeezed and I hugged her tight.

"OUI OUI OUI!(Yes, yes, yes!)" I agreed to all that she said and let go.

"It was lovely to meet you Mason. Take care of our girl." She hugged him and he nodded and hugged back. She got in the car with Hector and I waved her off. Deep inside I wanted to cry knowing that we wouldn't see each other for a few months.

"You good?" Mason asked me as he squeezed my arm.

I smiled and nodded, "I'm good." I said as we walked back inside.

"Okay, we're going to spend the day together okay? I'm going to take you out on a date so don't sleep in too long." He kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

"What time should I be ready by?" I asked.

"Meet me at the door for 11." He said as we walked back hand in hand to our rooms. I agreed and waved him off. I headed straight back to my bed and slept for another few hours.

By 9am I was up. I played some jazz through my speaker, took a shower and decided on straightening my hair out. I'm not sure how long it would last because of the heat but I was leaving tomorrow anyway. I looked at my phone and Malcolm had text us that they had safely arrived and Jacqui and the baby was okay. I responded and finished straightening out my hair.

I decided to pray and spend some time with God on my balcony and around 10:30, Mason knocked on my door.

"Babe you ready?" He said from my door and I smiled. He was wearing of course an oversized black t-shirt and jeans.

"We aren't going anywhere that'll mess up my hair right?" I asked. I had straightened my hair to my shoulders and I wore a purple cami top with black trousers.

"It should be alright but take a brush." He said and I packed the rest of my things into my backpack and took his hand.

"Is Hector driving us?" He asked and he shook his head.

"We're taking an Uber first then another Uber and Hector will pick us up on the way back." He said as he looked at his phone. I'm sure he was checking if it was here.

We headed down the stairs and caught Esme in the living room.

"You guys heading out?" She asked me and we nodded. "Be careful." She said and we smiled and left.

The Uber was an XL anyway, Mason liked the space and we hopped in and headed to our location. I knew he wouldn't give anything away but still I prodded for answers.

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