Home Time (27)

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Our leaving day had come. I spent the rest of the night packing away my things, whilst Mason napped on my bed. He said he was all packed allegedly but I didn't believe him, I knew he'd leave it last minute to the early hours of the morning. Around 1am he headed back to his bedroom to pack up his stuff and I was actually done so I headed to bed.

I set my alarm for 6am and woke up sadly it was my last day here. It had been such a sweet time altogether but I guess it was time to get back to reality. I took a shower, careful of my straightened hair and packed up the rest of my toiletries. I got changed into casual wear, assuming it would be colder when we arrived in Britain and I zipped up my suitcase when I was all done. I grabbed my bag and bid adieu to my room.

"Ready?" Mason called as we exited our rooms at the same time. Uncle Fernando came up to help us with our bags.

"Now you let me know when you arrive okay?" He said as he kissed my cheek and patted my shoulder. Ida and Isaiah had booked a evening flight and everyone was due to return Friday evening because the boys had had less days here.

"Will do Uncle." I said. Hector came to put our stuff in the car and I climbed in the back. I made sure to have all my documents and stuff and hadn't forgotten any chargers.

The airport wasn't too far away and all to soon we arrived. I said my good byes to Hector and thanked him and so did Mason. He grabbed us a trolley for our suitcases and we headed inside towards the touch screen screens to check in. I did my ticket and took Mason's and did his too. It printed out our boarding passes and we headed for the BA first class queue again to check in our luggage. The queue wasn't long and soon after our luggage was checked in, our passports were scanned and we were heading to security.

"I see that look of your face, don't worry we'll be travelling again soon." Mason comforted.

I held his hand as we entered the line for security. Soon after I placed my items on the tray and walked through and so did he and we made our way to the First Class lounge area where I grabbed some free breakfast and we both took a seat on the sofas until our flight was called.

"ALL BOARDING FLIGHT M65732 TO LONDON GATWICK, PLEASE START BOARDING." An announcer said. We got up tiredly and made our way to the First class queue. Our passport and ticket were checked again and we headed for the tunnel and into the aeroplane. Similar to the one we took before, each row had two seats and mine was identically next to Mason's.

We both got comfortable and I immediately got out my laptop ready to do some work.

"You not going to sleep?" Mason asked and I shook my head amused.

"I actually slept last night. I have work to do." I said and he smiled and got out his pillow.

"Good night." was all he said and I waved him away.


11 Hours Later

We touched down in England around 4pm BST and I was beyond tired. The flight had been smooth sailing and luckily I had gotten through quite a lot of the work I should have been doing the last few days. I sent some emails to Tara and other publishing agents at the company with the information they needed.

Steve had come to pick us at the airport and we headed straight home which luckily for us would still be empty until Saturday morning when the others arrived.

"Did you have a nice trip Ms Williams?" Steve asked as we pulled up to the estate.

I smiled, "We did and I got you present." I said. Mason and I had bought some souvenirs from the airport. I went into my backpack and headed one to him.

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