34. Leave While You Can

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"You're asking me to snitch on my own family, what makes you think I'll talk?"

"Because to me it seems like she's not only fucking me over but you as well," I said to him. "Didn't you say you were tired of watching her get away with shit and making you take the blame for it?" He clenched his jaw when the truth came out of my mouth. "Do you think that's fair to you in any way?"

"When it comes to Veronica, it doesn't matter what's fair to me, it's what she thinks is right..." he responded.

"That's not what I asked. Do you think that's fair to you?" I repeated myself.

He let out a long sigh and ran his fingers through his curls. "The officer they found dead a couple weeks ago, it was her," he first admitted. Even though I already knew that, it's still eerie hearing it coming out of his mouth. She's a killer. Those were the only words that's echoing in my mind at the moment. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about having to go against her like this knowing exactly what she's capable of. "She took my car that day and told me she needed to buy some supplies at the store and nothing else. I knew she was lying so I hid a tracker in the car to see where she left of to. She actually did end up going to a store to buy supplies. She drove a mile away just to go to Home Depot, which I found strange."

"What supplies did she buy?" I questioned.

"She came home with barbed wire, steel axe, a shovel and I think some sort of hatchet. She specifically hid them in the basement thinking I wouldn't find out. Then a couple days after, the news about the officers disappearance got out and it was pretty obvious what happened."

"Then they accused you of doing it because it was your car," I added. "How often does she do this?"

"As many times as she wants. It's her way of gaining control, like I said she's fucked up in the head."

"You guys moved a lot, and I'm assuming it's because of her heinous activities. Why did you guys come here? To escape something? The last location you've been to is Washington, that's 15 hours to California." I curiously asked.

He laughed to himself, "looks like someone has done some research. I don't know.." he shrugged. "Since you know so much you should be able to connect those dots. She knows absolutely no one in this city but you....so why do you think she specifically chosen California?"

I gulped, "So it was planned..." I said when I came to a realization.

"Running into her wasn't a coincidence I can tell you that," he responded.

The waitress soon then interrupted us to give us our plate of food. She asked if we were interested in any drinks. I asked for the same glass of wine from earlier while Andy denied the offer. "Okay, just tell me when you're ready for the bill."

"Thank you," I dismissed her. My appetite went out the door due to the stress I'm feeling right now, so I offered my plate of food to him instead, besides it seems like this is his first time probably in a long time dining like this.

"I never asked about your pregnant wife, how is she doing?" He said with his mouth full of the food in front of him.

"Well she's not pregnant anymore and soon she won't be my wife legally either," I said with a disappointing tone.

"The baby...is it a boy or a girl?" He further questioned.

"A girl, her name is Starr and she has the cutest little face. She takes after her mother more than me," I couldn't help but smile and feel giddy while visualizing her face, her little small feet and hands.

"Well congratulations, I'm happy there was a safe delivery. I don't know it's not my place to ask but why did she leave you? Was it because of Veronica?"

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