I turn sharply to Michael and he too looked impatient, if the duke finds him here, he would be in the dungeons too or worse, executed. "I need your help." With that said, he smiled just before swiftly exiting the building through the large windows at the side of the room. God, he thinks fast for the duke's servant. It was too late before I could think of how he was going to help me when the door burst opened with a loud thud echoing the empty room. I stood, wide eyes at the motion as they furthered into my room.

"It seems like you have ignored my warning." The duke spat. I remained in position trying with all my might to not looked fearful in front of him, even if I did he did not show any sign of victory. "I would have stayed to watch you suffer unknowingly but it seems my patience was wearing thin. If you were to even think William would fall for your feminine tricks, then do let me warn you, my dear that you were utterly and completely out of you god damned mind." He hissed the last few words through gritted teeth. "Nothing can make me even happier unless I watch you suffer with many worthy subjects alongside me, rather than just letting you escape through the death path, so you better be honoured my dear, that I have come to a decision to keep you here and watch your beloved William move on after he gets his punishment." He finished the speech with a smile and walked out the door muttering: "Take care of her." Which of course I knew he meant the exact opposite as the men dragged me roughly to the dungeons.

"I can walk fine on my own!" No matter how much I told them they did not release my arms and half-dragged me into a cell. The ground was covered with hay along with the other cells beside each other, with only iron bars separating them. They unlocked the door and shoved me in, causing a gasp to escape my mouth as they did so. I lifted myself up and felt a hinge of pain from my head. Lifting a finger to it, something felt liquid instead of a surface of skin I was expecting, I bring my fingers down to see red pure coloured liquid spill from my fingers and to the cold silent floor soundlessly. I hurled myself against the corner of the cell and wanted all to let it out. But there was nothing to let out. All I felt was emptiness, and nothing more. I buried my hand in my arms as I let time pass waste-fully, hoping for something to happen.

The noises of iron against each other were heard and I shot open my eyes to see the chief maid with clothing in her hands. There was a smirk on her face as soon as I looked up at her, all I wanted was to punch that pretty face of hers and see who's still braver than they look. "You don't deserve to wear these luxurious clothing, here." She threw the clothing at me and I glared at her in return. "Your orders are to change into them." Her smirk grew as she came to me and ripped the gown I wore easily. It always occurred to me that the gowns were not very good material. She glanced at me, from my toes to the tip of my head until I noticed all I had on where my undergarments. "I'd hurry and change if I were you, your food is on the way." She chuckled as she went out, locking the cell.

"She had to tell me now!" I hissed to myself. I hurried and put on the trousers and shirt, but the shirt took longer to wear because the buttons were all interlocked together. Instead of unbuttoning the shirt I put it over myself and wore it just before I hear the jingle of keys again. I frowned because this person was the least I expected to come here with food.
"Hey, don't doubt my word." Michael said, smiling. "I said I would help. Didn't I?" He placed the tray of food in front of me and also sat down, back leaning against the wall. "So how's life?" He said, sighing.

"Marvellous." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at his small talk.

"I was expecting something in the lines of: how could they do this to me!? They don't know who they're messing with! Ugh." He pretended to flip his imaginary long hair over his shoulders with a voice as high as the squeaking noise of chalk on a board. I laughed and he just stared at me, smiling slightly. "Good, I was beginning to think you've lost all your social interacting skills you know." I didn't say anything and didn't even touch my food. My appetite was lost as my mind drifted to the thought of duke and his vile plans in the future about what to do with me. "Listen if you're not going to eat how do you even expect to get out of here without a rumbling stomach waking everyone in this mansion?" He gestured towards the tray in front of me. "Hurry, I have to get back out there before they suspect something."

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