Famous Cook! Sanji Of The Sea Restaurant Final Part 2/2

Start from the beginning

"Soo, whaddya think?"

"Wow, it's a big fish!" I exclaimed while drooling. So was Luffy.

"How lovely."

"This is the coolest place ever!" Ussop yelled.

"Yeah! Ha ha ha."

"Just like I told ya right?"

All of a sudden we heard horns and bells. When we looked to our right we saw a Marine ship pull up next to us.

"Hey Luffy, they're not gonna start firing at as are they?"

"It's just my luck, of course the Marines would show up."

On the Marine ship a guy with pink hair and something on his hands started talking to us.

"I am Iron-Fist Fullbody. But you can just call me Sir. You there, who's the captain, identify yourself."

"My name, is Luffy!"

"And mine, is Lily!"

"And my name, is Ussop. Got it?"

"We only made our flag the day before yesterday."

"That's right Marine, and I drew it."

I'm gonna punch him.

"You did? Is that so? Hey you two, right there, I've seen you before." He looked over at Johnny and Yosaku who were peeking out from the door to the kitchen. "You're that bounty hunting duo that go after the small fish. Right?"

"Uh well we." Johnny stuttered.

"So, you've finally been caught by pirates."

"Well actually we." He stuttered again.

Pinky started laughing. "Now that's a laugh." Some blonde woman came out from behind him.

"Hey, come on baby lets get going."


"Hey wait a minute, you think small time bounty hunters would go after these guys?!" Johnny pulled out a bunch of papers and threw them in the air. They all landed on our ship. Pinky and his woman already started walking away, ignoring him.

I was standing by Nami when she began walking towards the pile, out of curiosity I followed her.

"Hmm, what are these things?" she asked while picking one up. I crouched down and looked at the same one as her, though I wish I didn't. Looking at it brought back horrible memories I was trying to forget.

"Well those are all wanted pirates. Big Sis Nam-" Johnny cleared his throat. "In other words if we defeat them we get the reward money." I could hear him just fine but, I was too focused on this poster and all the bad memories it brings to care about what he said.

A loud boom brought me back to reality. The Marines were shooting cannon balls at us. I jumped at the chance to distract myself if only for a little bit. Me and Luffy each caught a cannon ball.

"Leave it to us. Gum Gum SLINGSHOT!" Puffy and I grabbed parts of the ship and pushed ourselves backwards to get enough momentum to propel the balls back at the Marine ship. Buuuuttt, Luffy's hand slipped and he knocked into me which made both cannon balls fly in a different direction...which happened to be the restaurant. It landed on the side roof and made a pretty big explosion.

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