Ussop Dead?! When is Luffy Going to Make Landfall?!

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Lily's pov

After we visited their graves, Nami and I headed back to Arlong Park. When we showed up we heard yelling so we hid outside the front door and listened before going inside. The fishmen were speculating on how Zoro escaped as they held Ussop hostage. They were questioning if we were the ones who let him go, more specifically me after the little show he put on earlier. Before they decided to believe it was me, Nami and I stepped forward.

"Enough of this! You should be ashamed, this is pure conjecture. How dare you? You would call us traitors? I swore I was a member of this crew 8 years ago, and despite everything in the past so has Lily. Our loyalty is shown with these tattoos." Nami and I walked right up to Arlong as she defended the both of us.

"I'm sorry girls, it's natural for you to be upset. But you should know, I don't suspect you of anything treacherous Nami, I trust you. Even you Lily. We're just a little on edge right now that's all. Surely you can understand. We need to focus on Zoro and his friends."

"Hey Lily, Nami, say something. Please! Lily!" Ussop pleaded. Damn it Zoro. That moron just had to go and take down some of Arlong's men.

"What's wrong girls? You two are looking a little pale, you feeling ok?" One of the fishmen asked. I don't keep track of their names, it's not worth it. He has some weird elbows though, they point out like big triangles are pushing out from underneath his skin. He's the one who was trying to make it out like we were the traitors. I mean we are but he doesn't know that for sure, he's just guessing.

Nami said how it was ridiculous that he kept trying to prove that we're untrustworthy when we've proven more than once that we're loyal. Especially Nami, she's been in their crew for 8 years. He said that it was because we're 'too clever for our own good'. He then brought up part of her past about betraying her family and everyone in her village for money and not caring about any of them. She argued that she's since she's so close to getting the 100 million berries to buy back the village it would make no sense for her to betray them now of all times, and that I have nowhere else to go so it wouldn't make sense for me to betray them either.

"I thought long and hard about it, and then I found this in your room." He held up a piece of paper that had a drawing of a map of an island.

"It...can't be. That's my..."

"This seems like a suspicious treasure map, and it seems to be pointing to Cocoyashi Village." Elbows continued.

"I can't believe you have the nerve to go through my personal belongings. That's my map and it has nothing to do with you!!"

"So angry, is there something on your mind?" He teased.

"What is this!?! Why are all these guys dead!? What happened?" Exclaimed Hacchi. He's probably the only fishman who's name I can remember since he's the only fish type (besides Arlong) I can identify, which is an octopus. I can't even begin to figure out what anyone else is.

"The Pirate Hunter Zoro did it." Arlong answered.

No one's pov

When Hacchi showed up they blamed him for not being here, if he had then Zoro probably wouldn't have gotten away. They also asked him if he saw Zoro at all. At first he said no, but then he recalled a suspicious swordsman being around earlier and that he took him to Cocoyashi Village as he was searching for Arlong. He realized the mistake he made, everyone else wasn't that surprised since he's always doing stupid things. While all the fishmen were distracted with Hacchi, Ussop figured that this would be the perfect time to try and hold out till Zoro arrived since he would coming back to fight Arlong. But as he sneakily took out his slingshot, Lily and Nami noticed it and rushed over to him. Nami hit him across the face with her wooden staff. You idiot! You keep ruining everything when we're so close! The girls thought.

"You guys wanna fight don't ya?" Ussop questioned.

"This is your fault, you keep getting in the way. This is what you get for messing with Arlong.

"Nami, you really disappointed me. Even after you stole our ship and ran off Luffy had complete faith in you. And you Lily, leaving at the last minute with no reason why, not even telling your own brother?And you haven't even should an ounce of guilt, how could either of you betray someone like that? Are you two really that cold hearted?!"

"The only thing Nami trusts is money, and I trust no one. Not even my own brother. Those dumb enough to be fooled deserve it, and my dear brother really is as dumb as they come."

"How can you say that!!? They're your friends too! What about Zoro?!!"

"YOU'RE WRONG! I...I have no friends. Partnering with Nami is just a means to and end, you're all no damn different. Don't think so highly of yourselves.". Lily's face did not change one bit, staying emotionless like a dead fish. She was doing everything she could to keep her cover, already creating a plan to deal with Ussop. "You idiots, it was going according to plan. I'm not about to let you and your friends mess up Nami's 8 long years of hard work or get in Arlong's way. Even if it is my brother." She walked over to the fishman with the weird elbows and grabbed the knife from his hand before walk towards Ussop. "So long Ussop, it's just business, you understand."

"Heh, well I'll be damned, I'm impressed how far you would go for us Lily." Arlong commented.

"Pfft hahahaha!! Like you're gonna kill me? Hahahahaha." Ussop laughed, not taking Lily seriously.

"That's right. I wouldn't underestimate me." Lily grinned a devilish grin, using some of the hatred she has for Arlong into it make it more believable. Ussop went pale with fear at the evil look on her face and her sharp fangs.

"Special attack!! SMOKE STAR!!" A huge smoke screen appeared making it hard to see. Ussop took this chance to try and escape. Before he could get far a shadow suddenly came out of nowhere, red eyes showing brightly for an instant before she came into focus.

"This is just like something you'd pull, but you seem to forget, I'm a wolf. And a wolf always catches her prey.". Lily then unexpectedly stabbed Ussop in the stomach.

"D-don't do this." He begged. Everyone stood silent in shock, except Arlong, he was smiling.

"You should've stayed out of our business. This was the only choice."

" could you." He croaked.

She pulled the blade out and stepped away from Ussop. "Now, go die." He slowly stumbled into the sea and sank. The fishmen began to cheer.

Nami walked up and stood next to Lily, staring at the water. "You got your wish, you died at sea."

"Lily, Nami, I'm sorry for doubting you two. Without question, you're our friends." The elbow fishman came up and offered his hand out

"Friends? There's only one reason why we joined this crew, to buy Nami's village back. Just business, not friends." Lily placed the bloody knife in his open hand while Nami grabbed her map from his other.

"Keep your end of the deal and I'll have those berries soon." Nami said to Arlong as she walked by him.

"Yes of course. I'd rather cut my stomach open and die than break a promise concerning a buddy but, that's the kind of man I am."

"Glad to hear it Arlong." Nami replied.

Lily followed Nami into the building so that she can help her clean up. Once that was done she wandered off to be alone while Nami went to her room. All of the sudden she felt the ground shake for a minute and heard a loud crash off in the distance. She felt as a bit of fear rose within her, she could just tell that that had to be her brother. He's finally here.

Meanwhile, as Lily stabbed Ussop no one knew that Johnny had been watching from a hole in the wall near the door. Horrified as to what he saw he ran to find Zoro or anyone else to tell them about Ussop's demise. He kept running until he heard familiar voices. As he got closer he saw Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Yosaku all around a small crashed ship.

"That dumbass has been caught by Arlong, we gotta hurry before they kill him." Zoro told Luffy.

"He's already dead." Johnny announced.

"What?" Gasped Zoro.

Johnny fell down to his knees. "We're too late. Big bro Ussop is dead. Lily....murdered him." He cried.

Shock was clear on all their faces. Zoro and Sanji's most of all....

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