Catching Up

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WARNING!! In this chapter, Lily falls under a curse that de-ages her to 12. With that being said, this chapter will also include some underage smut between Sanji and the cursed Lily. If you don't like it you can skip over it.

No one's pov

The crew was having a beautiful sunny day on their way to Lougetown. Everyone was doing their usual thing. Ussop was making ammo for his slingshot, Nami was reading the paper, Luffy kept trying to steal a tangerine from her garden while Sanji defended it, and the lovebirds were taking a nap with each other. Zoro sat with his back against the rail while Lily laid on his chest. Earlier, she fell asleep to him rubbing her wolf ears soothingly.

"Ol' Sanji's getting used. That poor bastard." As Zoro chuckled, the deep vibration in his chest woke Lily up. Her tail slowly started wagging. When Zoro looked down, she was already looking up at him, smiling. "Oh, look, Her Majesty finally woke up."

"You're one to talk." She playfully shot back. "You're the King of Naps."

He chuckled again, caressing her cheek. "So I guess that makes you my Queen in that too huh? You're my Queen in everything." Blushing redder than a pepper, Lily peppered his face with kisses as thanks.

In the distance, Sanji glanced over and felt a rush of jealousy. He hated how close the swordsman was able to get to Lily. He wanted to be the one to grope her butt while she assaulted his face with pure love. Everyone stopped what they were doing when Luffy, Nami, and Ussop screamed as they stared at the pieces of paper that fell from Nami's newspaper.

Lily ran over and jumped behind Luffy, looking over his shoulder. Leaving Zoro to grab at nothing but empty air where she used to be. Now she sees why they screamed as she couldn't contain hers. She was staring at her very own wanted poster; Luffy had one as well. They each had the same bounty, 30 Million Berries Dead or Alive. The pictures were taken by that Marine group that was working for Arlong. In Luffy's, he was smiling with his straw hat on his head and you could see Ussop unknowingly in the background. They called him Straw-Hat Luffy. Even though she was a little bloodied and beat up, Lily still looked gorgeous in hers. They called her Wolf-Eared Lily; one of her ears was shown as her head was tilted.  She made a peace sign while smiling like Luffy; the picture also caught her cleavage which our swordsman and chef weren't too happy about.

Around the world, others were seeing the twin's bounties for the first time. As hungover as Shanks and his crew were, they started drinking to celebrate their first bounty. Even getting Hawkeye into it, although he complained it was too early. As they drank he reminisced on his past with the twins, so proud of how far they've come & confident they will be the next Pirate King and Queen. He and Ben went into Dad-mode when he saw they put Lily's cleavage in the photo. Their hatred for the Navy grew stronger that day. Hawkeye had to hear them drunkenly whine about how their sweet little pup was all grown up and they now had to fight off all the men in the world. Before he blacked out, Shanks shouted he'd fulfill his promise to fake marry Lily so they would never have to worry about it. Kaya was so happy to see Ussop in the background. Zeff and the other chefs were jealous of Sanji once they saw Lily's stunning poster.

Somewhere on the Grandline, a tall handsome man with a scar over his eye, jet black hair, and a long, luscious tail to match; was staring at the twins' posters. As he looked he began to growl in pain, clutching his head. He was having flashbacks, but he was confused. How did he know them? Where did these memories come from? Why wasn't he with them? Why wasn't he with her? His heart tugged at the images of the little wolf girl. She felt important; like he needed to protect her... she felt like... home. He wasn't able to get the answers. Before he could try, a figure wearing a Marines cloak appeared behind him. They put their hands above his head; glowing a pure sapphire blue that calmed him. When the person left, the man was no longer screaming in pain. He was standing there, like a zombie. "KIBA! Go to the West side of the island! There are some unwelcome visitors causing trouble." He only responded with an emotionless, "Yes sir." As he wiped his tears and robotically followed orders.

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