Luffy and Lily's Past! Final Part

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I own nothing everything belongs to Eiichiro Oda.

Lily's pov

~~~~~~~~~~A few days later~~~~~

Luffy and I were sitting on some stools drinkin some juice at Makino's when that ugly bandit guy from before (if possible he got even uglier) came in with the rest of his men and ordered some drinks. They started to talk about what happened the last time they were here, and were calling Shanks and his crew a bunch of wimps & losers for not fighting back.

"Stop it!" Luffy and I both shouted while standing on the stools. Makino grabbed us to try and calm us down.

"Stop making fun of Shanks and his crew right now, they're not wimps!" Luffy said.

"Twins no." Makino was trying to calm us.

I started to growl saying "You better stop right now you stupid bandits."

Next thing I knew his crew was messing up Makino's pub while their ugly leader grabbed us and made his way to the door with his crew following behind. He threw us against a barrel filled with water and put his foot on Luffy's head to keep him from running (even though he wouldn't), and grabbed me by my tail hanging me upside down.

"You should watch ur flappin gums kids, no one who's ever made me mad has ever lived to tell the horrifying and painful tale." He grabbed the handle of his sword.

"Wait, hold on!" I heard someone yell. I turned my head around to see the mayor. Yay! He came to save us.

"Let the kids go I beg you. I don't know what they've done and I certainly don't intend to fight you over it. But, if you'll except-" He got down his hands and knees. "-I'll bear the poor kids lives, please." Oh mayor your so kind. I heard Luffy call his name.

"While the oldest generation may know the way of the world better than us all, i'm sorry but these rotten kids have already made me angry. Nothing can save him now." Said ugly. He took his sword out.

"Your the rotten ones around here." Luffy said. He stomped on his head again.

"Stop hurting my brother ugly!" I said before biting him. Huh, I guess having fangs isn't such a bad thing after all.

"OW! THAT HURT YOU BITCH!" He swung me by my tail so that my head hit the barrel Luffy was crushed against.

"You bastard!" I heard Luffy say. Yea Lily, cuz that was such a great idea. Sure, make the crazy ugly bastard angrier it should totally solve the problem.

"Now where was I? Oh right. Well since you're a couple of lost causes you can both regret that in the next life."

Is this it? Is this how we're both gonna die? No. We can't die yet, we still have to become pirates and I still have to grow up and marry Shanks. Please come save us.

"Let's start with the fiesty little mutt." I felt the blade being pressed up against the side of my neck.

"No, Lily!" I heard Luffy scream.

"No! Please you have to let them go!" I heard Makino and Mayor say.

As he pulled the blade away from my neck and was swinging it back down to cut my head off I said one last thing. One word that brought happiness and hope to my thoughts. "Shanks" . I said it so low that even I barely heard it. But I figured if I said it, that maybe he would somehow here it and come save us.

"I was wondering why the bar was empty on such a fine day." That voice, it can't be. I turned my head around to look behind me and saw not just Shanks, but the entire crew.

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