Famous Cook! Sanji Of The Sea Restaurant Final Part 2/2

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Lily's pov

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Lily's pov

When I woke up, Zoro was still asleep, slightly snoring. It was cute though. As I sat up, I felt a sharp pain shoot up my spine that made me fall back onto his gut. Hard. Oops, guess I woke him up. All well, he'll live.

"What the hell was that for you idiot?!"

"Gee I don't know, maybe because someone told me that everything would be ok and now I can't get up since my back is fucking killing me!"

"Oh......yea......that was me." He said to me as if I didn't know who. Making a vein pop out on the side of my head.

"Really!?! No shit asshat!!" Then the sharp pain hit me again making me hunch over. With my wolf ears I heard him let out a low chuckle. Just you wait till I feel better.

"Ok ok. I'm sorry." He said petting my head.

"Yea yea whatever." I replied blushing. He smiled, leaned down, and pecked me on the lips.

"Alright, we should probably get up. Everyone's awake by now." Said Zoro.

Ryuu. Can you make the pain go away or lessen it? At least for just a little while?

Yea sure. Only cause I really don't want your whining and crying to interrupt my peaceful nap.

Ryuu is able to help my body because of these mysterious powers he has that even I don't completely know about. But all that matters was that I could stand up without being in pain now. Zoro passed me my clothes and we both got dressed.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. The pain will probably just come back and haunt me later."

"If you say so. Let's go to the kitchen. You must be starving."

"It's like....you can see into my soul" I looked at Zoro with huge teary eyes before he shook his head, threw me over his shoulder, and carried me up the steps to the kitchen door then set me down before we walked in.

"Hey Lily, Zoro. Are you guys finally done wrestling? Cause it looked like it was a pretty hard fight. Don't tell me you lost Lily. When I saw you guys it looked like you were."

"Huh? What are you talking about Luff?"

When did Zoro and I wrestle? I looked at Zoro and his face was red. I tilted my head to the side and asked him what was wrong. He said he was fine. When I looked at everyone else the other boys were all red too. Nami shook her head before face palming.

"What's going on?"

"Here Lily breakfast." Zoro put a plate at the table next to Luffy and pushed me down to the seat. I have no idea what's wrong with the guys but who cares when I got food<3.


A few hours later we saw something in the distance. Johnny said it was a sea restaurant called the Baratie and that that's where we would find our cook.

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