Luffy Rises! Result of a Broken Promise and a Broken Heart!

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Just a reupload of her outfit:) Also just to clarify in case the way I worded anything last chapter was confusing, Lily and Leo's relationship was just a normal big brother-little sister type. I own nothing but my own creations. Enjoy:)

Lily's pov

When I got to the house, Nojiko was laying on the ground and a marine was a short distance away holding a gun pointed at the girls. I aimed straight for him on all fours and bit his wrist; digging my fangs in hard. He screamed in pain, dropping the gun and other marines came after me. Everyone froze when Nami yelled, "STOOOPPP!'s ok, just let go. I need you to carry Nojiko, please."

If I hadn't promised her to do it her way, I would've snapped his wrist clean off. But a promise is a promise. I aggressively threw him to the side, releasing his wrist. I quickly ran over and helped them bring Nojiko to the doctor in the village.

When we arrived, the villagers gathered in the middle of the road concerned about Nojiko. I laid down as they grabbed her and shifted back to my human form. They surrounded her as the Doc examined her; and asked questions. Their villager leader and the sisters old friend, Genzo explained. Arlong was working  with some dirty marines. He paid them to go and confiscate the money Nami has worked so hard to earn; and it seems the whole town knew regardless how hard she tried to keep it a secret. That dirty bastard!! Please Nami, just give me permission for revenge!!

As I stood around, I felt someone place an arm around me. I looked to my right to see Luffy's big bright smile. "Hey! Lily! Nami! What's up? Need help with anything?" He cheerily asked. 

I looked up at him, eyes brimming; ready to cry. Before I could respond, Nami angrily grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Yelling in his face, "Why are you still here? Just stay out of my business! Just get away from our island!!", and pushed him out of her grasp. She then took off, I went to follow after her, figuring she's heading to Arlong. She turned around and screamed at me not to follow her; before running off again. I saw Luffy laying against a nearby tree; pouting Nami had gotten so mad at him. I walked over and stood in front of him. He looked up at me, still with that same happiness. I don't deserve it.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled; looking away from his eyes.

Without hesitating he grabbed my hands and said, "It's ok, you know I'm always here for you. There's nothing you could do that'd make me hate you, you know that right?". He pulled me down so I was sitting in his lap and wrapped me in a tight hug. It was as if he squeezed the tears out as they began to overflow. In the distance, I could see the boys heading our way and accidentally locked eyes with Zoro. He looked shocked, probably because I never cry. He started rushing over and I put my head down in shame. Within seconds, he was standing in front of us. "Oh! What's up Zoro? Look who I found." Luffy exclaimed.

"I see. Do you mind if I borrow her for a few minutes?" He asked Luffy, who was way too quick to hand me over. He held me bridal style and walked a short distance away, as I still cried in his arms. When I looked over his shoulder, you could see Luffy laughing in the background while holding Sanji back while he tried to chase us shouting, "Get your hands off her you beast!! I'll save you Lily-love~" He sang at the end. Zoro ignored him and kept going, he did the same as Luffy and sat with me in his lap, this time leaning against the back of one of the buildings. He snuggled me tight as he spoke. "Lily, I know. I know about Leo." I froze, tears still falling but not as heavy. "It's ok, it's all gonna be ok. Just let us help you baby, please?"

"I can't, its not my decision. I'm doing this for Nami. I made a promise to help follow through with her plan unless told otherwise. Besides, I don't want my brother or my friends to get hurt; especially you." I looked up at him and he had the reddest face; as red as when he first saw me naked. I almost forgot how adorable he could be. "You're injured enough, you haven't had time to heal. I can't take that chance that you'll get worse Zoro; I would never forgive myself."

"If I couldn't protect my Captain, I don't deserve to be First Mate or World's Greatest Swordsman. And if I can't save the girl I care about when she needs it, then I'm no man." He cupped my face and wiped my tears away. His eyes were locked on mine as he slowly leaned in for a sweet, soft kiss. "Heh, thanks for not ripping out my tongue, I thought you were serious back then." He laughed.

"S-So...then, you're not just with me cause you're desperate right? A-and, you weren't gonna cut me, right?" You could hear the crack in my voice; I was trying to hold fresh tears back.

"No baby, no! I'm so sorry. I never would've cut you with my blades. Not ever. I was trying to scare you because I was worried about Ussop; but my blades will never be used against you." He held me tighter, rubbing circles on my back. "I would never use your body like that, out of desperation. Just being your First Mate I feel lucky enough, and then you tell me you like me and grace me with the gift of your body. I'm so thankful." His demenor switched from sweet to seductive in a flash. He repeatedly placed kisses all over my face, even as I tried to block him. He just manages to break through my defenses, physical and literal. 

"Mmph, Zoro, cut it out you're injured I said." I tried to push him away with much for to avoid hitting him but he wouldn't budge.

"Oh babygirl, you should know better than to underestimate me. Sweetheart when this fight is over, I'm gonna raw-dog you so hard you'll be cumming for days..." He moaned into my ear. I couldn't stop my body from reacting. His words made my pussy pulse and a small embarrassing moan slip out.

He smirked at me as he got up and was bringing me back to Luffy when Nami came back and collapsed on her knees. She grabbed her knife and angrily stabbed her arm on the tattoo spot while yelling Arlong's name in anger. It seems the villagers were angry with Arlong for betraying Nami and decided to all go and attack Arlong and his men. They wouldn't survive, the fishmen were too strong and the villagers weren't all trained, so they had no fighting skill going in. Nami couldn't stop them, and she couldn't get her money back. I don't think there's anything she could do. Please Nami, just let me get revenge. Just let Luffy and the boys help us, please!

As she kept stabbing herself, Zoro put me down while Luffy walked and grabbed her wrist; stopping her. She turned her head, looked up at him and brokenly asked him what he was still doing here. Why he didn't leave. She started screaming at him to leave, tossing dirt back at him. Then she was quiet; only her soft sobs could be heard. Luffy still watched in silence, just waiting. Seconds later and with tears running down her face; Nami turned her head around and brokenly whispered, "Luffy, me." 

As she asked, he looked at me. Luffy and I have this bond  where it seems like we can speak by just looking in each others eyes. We always know what the other is thinking 99% of the time. So when he looked at me it was as if his eyes were asking if I wanted help too. Tears started to fall again as I nodded my head at him. Without hesitation, Luffy put his precious strawhat on Nami's head. "Of course, that's what friends do." He said. "HE'S GONNA PAY!!!!!" Luffy screamed at the top of his lungs. I felt Zoro and Sanji each place a hand on my shoulders and simultaneously place a gently kiss on my cheeks. One man for each side.

No One's pov

"Let's Go."

"Right!" All the boys followed Luffy on his way to fight Arlong. He had hurt his sister and his navigator, and he was going to make him pay. They all were.

Lily crouched next to Nami and held her as they both cried. When they were done, Lily wrapped up Nami's wound and then followed after the boys.

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