Famous Cook! Sanji of the Sea Restaurant Part 1

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I do not own One Piece - belongs to Eiichiro Oda:)

Lily's pov

Luffy and I were practicing our cannon firing with our newest crewmate and official Sniper, Ussop. We met him in his hometown Syrup Village. There, we helped protect his town by fighting this pirate captain named Kuro who I hated because he was a cat, and I hate cats naturally. We had some really funny moments there too. One was when Luffy, me, Zoro, and our other new crewmate Nami, scared some his friends who were just little kids into thinking that we ate him. I showed them my fangs while I used the bone of a fish as a toothpick, they looked terrified. Nami is a thief who we met in a place called Orange Town where we fought this other pirate named Buggy the Clown, I hate clowns too. She said that she hates pirates but decided to join us for a while anyways. I didn't pay attention to her made up reason, I know the real reason why she did because I met her 3 years ago.

Anyways, changing the subject. The other funny moment was when we poured oil at one of the ports because that's where we thought Kuro and his pirates were going to come from but they went to one on the other side of the island. So when we heard this we ran to get there as quickly as possible, but, Nami slipped in the oil and grabbed onto Zoro who grabbed onto me causing us all to start sliding down the hill. Nami walked across mine and Zoro's back's so she could get out of it.

Since I didn't know what else to do I crawled onto Zoro's back and when he yelled at me wanting to know "what the hell" I was doing and to "get the fuck off", I just made up some bullshit excuse about how I didn't want my tail or my outfit to get ruined by the oil and that to listen to me cause i'm his captain, when really I just used those as excuses to hold onto him and feel his back muscles. And let me tell you, it was worth it. They were soooooo hard and felt so strong, it was amazing. After we defeated Kuro, one of Ussop's friends who was a young rich girl, gave us a ship. It was huge and had a sheep's head on the front of it. We named her the Going Merry. And so coming back to the present, we found some cannon balls in the bottom of the ship and decided to test them out by firing into the open space since we we're the only ship in the middle of the ocean.

Nami was reading the newspaper and Zoro was taking a nap. He looks so cute when he's taking one:3. We finally saw this rock and decided to shoot one at it. Luffy and I both missed so Ussop gave it a try and hit it the first time. A few minutes later we heard a ruckus on board, since it wasn't us it had to be an intruder.

"Get out here ya damn pirates!". I followed behind Luffy as he went to go check it out.

"Hey what the hell?" Luffy said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"And now you guys think that you can kill my partner!?!" said some guy who was swinging his sword around and breaking barrels on the ship.

The mysterious sword guy then tried to attack me but before i could react, Luffy grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him while yelling

"Leave my sister and our ship alone!!!!".

"Lost that by a hair." The guy said as he hit the wall.

"Haha, thanks Luffy". Zoro then came to see what was going on. He looked shocked for a second.

"Johnny? What are you doing here?" He asked. What? Zoro knows him?

"Big bro Zoro? What're you doing on a pirate ship? What's goin on around here!?!".

"Hey relax, is everything ok? Where's Yosaku?"

Huh? Big bro? But they look nothing alike. Then again neither did me, Sabo, or Leo. Ugh, i'm too tired to deal with this, and I certainly don't want to think about them right now. I'm takin a nap.

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