44| Senseless

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As you can see, I'm not dead.

Okay, so first of all, I'm really, really sorry for taking so long to update but I have a valid reason. Apparently, I had a sudden desire to make a Marvel Edit of my own which took longer than I thought it would. So, I guess it's only fair that I at least show you guys what I made and it is up there. So, you can check it out if you want...

P.S. Guess who found the edit after all this time.... ;D

So, let's get back to our story...and ACTION!


Peter's pov.

I have always loved sunsets, always found them fascinating. It always intrigued me how the brilliant golden hues intertwined with the glorious blues, so different yet combining to be so beautiful. I find it amazing how the colours manage to blend with all of your emotions, how you can find them so peaceful when you are content yet, almost ironically calming when you are down.

I stare at the setting sun while I wait for Mr Hogan to arrive, my eyes glaze upon the contrasting hues blending into each other, almost like my emotions at the moment as my heart beats erratically in my chest. My fingers continuously fiddle with the comms in my palm while the necklace in my pocket feels heavier than ever before.

I am startled by the sound of the car that stops right in front of me and watch as Mr Hogan rolls down the glass, his eyes almost sad as he stares at me. For the first time, I despise the idea of having to sit in the back all by myself, waiting for my mind to eat me up with the hypothetical scenarios. I stare at the man and come to the conclusion that he might not want me to sit beside him, not when he has never really offered something like that before. I push my desire down and walk towards the backdoor only to be stopped by Mr Hogan's voice.

"You wanna sit over here?" My head snaps towards him to find him pointing towards the passenger seat and I feel the gratitude flow into my veins. I find myself unable to make my own voice follow my commands but the small smile on the man's face confirms that he quite surely got the unsaid message and I open the door to the passenger seat instead.

He turns the ignition on and we are out on the road in no time. The car remains quiet, no long rants that I could pull up while Mr Hogan gave me concerned looks before he finally breaks the heavy silence. "Look," I turn to him only to find his eyes glued to the road while he spoke. "We're never going to pull this moment up again but this whole silent shit doesn't really suit you, kid." My lips stretch into a small smile at his attempt to calm me. There is no doubt that he knows what's going on, his tiniest gestures confirm it.

"Thought you'd like it for a change." He gives me a mock glare before turning his focus back up to the road. "You know they are the Avengers, right?" I raise my eyebrow at him, giving him my best 'no shit' look which he efficiently ignores. "They deal with this kind of things all the time, Peter. You gotta calm down."

"I know, Mr Hogan." A small frown etches upon his face before he forces it away. "It's just...it can be a challenge even for them. I mean, I've never really seen Uncle Steve this worried and neither does Auntie Tasha ever looks downright scared. I-"

"Hold on!" He almost yells at me and my eyes widen in surprise, my mind running over my own words, trying to find if I had said something wrong. "Did you just say, Uncle Steve?" I find myself at a loss of words. Maybe, he doesn't want me to call them that...I mean I can understand that it might sound a bit too weird. After all, they are the Avengers.

"I-I can stop calling them that if you don't want me to. I'm sorry I di-"

"Oh shut up!" He waves his hand and I comply, waiting for him to continue. "How is it that they are being called Uncles and Aunts and I am still on Mister. This is bullshit." He angrily mutters to himself and I feel my mouth hang open.

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