11|moral of the story

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Zendaya walked into the living room to find Tom in his usual place on the couch.

He was scrolling through his phone and had a movie on as background noise.

"Hey, can you pick up Jackson tomorrow from school?" Zendaya asked her husband

Tom looked up from his phone as soon as he heard her voice.

"Yeah, of course," he said with more emotion than usual lately. Then, he dove back into his phone.

Zendaya looked at him, deciding if she wanted to address his recent detachment. But, seeing as he had already voluntarily moved himself to the couch this week, she decided against it.

She didn't want him to become anymore distant.

Lately, she and Tom just weren't in sync.

Their sex drives were different, they never seemed to have time for each other, they were constantly pissing each other off, and they were arguing 24/7.

And Tom was just different.

She never wanted to argue, but often times their civil conversations took a turn.

Most of the time it was because Zendaya would get mad at Tom. She would get mad at him because no matter what she said or how she said it Tom never really cared.

She could pour her heart out to him and he'd say "ok."

Zendaya would point it out and the arguing would begin.

She'd be lucky if they could go at least one night without arguing.

However, tonight was not that night.

Only a few short hours later, Zendaya caught Tom in the hallway.

He had just tucked their five year old son into bed and was about to head back to the living room.

"Tom?" Zendaya called, catching his attention. "Can we talk?"

Per usual, Tom nodded yes, with the same sad look on his face, and followed her to their bedroom, knowing that yet another argument would soon take place.

"Ok, Zendaya. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm going to bed," Tom had said after about an hour of arguing.

Tom got up off of the bed he had been sitting on for the last several minutes and walked towards the door.

"So, that's it? You're not gonna say anything else?" Zendaya scoffed.

"I mean, Z...what else is there to say? I can feel the tension and detachment between us too, but I don't know what to do anymore."

"We fight. That's what we do. We fight to get back what we had," Zendaya told him, her voice getting a bit shaky.

"I don't know if I...I don't know if I have it in me right now," Tom stated.

Tom continued to walk towards the door. When he finally reached the door he opened it part way and stepped out.

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