15|greatest adventures

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Tom was quite the adventurer. He was a thrill-seeker, an adrenaline junky. Always looking for the next cliff to dive off of or mountain to climb up.

Zendaya was not.

Now, don't get me wrong, she loved a good adventure too and appreciated a nice adrenaline rush every now and then, but she was nowhere near as bad as Tom.

She preferred activities that were much safer. She liked to engage in things that weren't very likely to end her life.

The one time she did decide to live on the edge and do something crazy with Tom, they ended up jumping out of a plane.

She didn't regret that particular occasion, though, because when they landed, Tom was down on one knee proposing to her.

She cried, said yes, and then let him know she would never be doing that again. Ever.

She stayed true to her word too. Even on one occasion where Tom went flyboarding and told her she would have the best time of her life. She was sure he was exaggerating, but even if he wasn't, she knew she had to sit that one out.

She told Tom when he returned home later that same day that she was pregnant.

When she went into labor several months after that, Tom was on his way down the mountain after a two week backpacking trip he insisted he take before the baby came and things calmed down. Rushing to the hospital just in time for the birth of his daughter was probably one of the most exhilarating things Tom had yet to do.

Things did calm down, as Tom had predicted, and for once he was sitting still.

The one and only time Zendaya could catch Tom settled, not itching to get to the next thrill, was when he was with their daughter—Madelyn.

Times like these were when Zendaya was truly at peace. When she knew Tom was safe and sound at home, with her and their baby.

The truth is that, while Zendaya loved that adventuring made Tom happy, she also hated it.

The thought of doing any of Tom's adrenaline activities terrified Zendaya, but what scared her even more was that Tom—the love of her life—was doing them.

She felt like he was risking his life everytime. But she didn't want to hold him back or fill him with fear, so she let him keep doing it.

She always feared that maybe one day it would keep him from or, even worse, take him away from her. Now there was a kid in the mix.

When Madelyn entered the world, something in Tom changed. Zendaya thanked the universe everyday that he'd be around long enough to enjoy the little adventures he'd experience with his family.

But then, her worst fear came true. Tom started taking their daughter on escapades with him.

This scared Zendaya shitless. She wanted to protest nearly everytime the pair walked out the door.

The only thing that kept her from doing it was that Madelyn loved doing those daring types of things with her dad. In fact, she couldn't get enough of them.

Zendaya tried to tell herself that if her little girl had no fears, then she shouldn't either. Keyword: shouldn't. It was much easier said or thought than done.

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