2|accidents happen

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"Ok, Z, that's it," said Michael Gracey, the director of The Greatest Showman. "You just have to trust Zac. Remember what the trainer said."

Zendaya took a deep breath and nodded. She was about to swing about 20 feet in the air to Zac Efron, who was supposed to gracefully catch her.

They had been practicing the stunt for weeks, but hadn't quite perfected it.

But they were already a bit behind on filming and so Michael was adamant about getting this done on time. They had deadlines to meet.

"You ready?" Michael asked her.

She looked over at Zac, who was standing at a platform across from her. He nodded at her, signaling that he was ready.

Zendaya looked at Michael and give him a weak thumbs up.

Then, the cameras started rolling and the word "action" boomed throughout the studio.

Without overthinking it, Zendaya swung off the platform. She performed her portion of the trick flawlessly. Now, it was time to add Zac into the mix.

Zac swung off of the platform, joining Zendaya in the air. Except, Zac swung a little too late.

What was supposed to be a graceful connection, turned into a painful collision in a matter of seconds.

The pair could see that they were swinging into each other at rapid speed and knew that they would collide, but they couldn't do anything about it. All they could do was brace for impact.

And so they did.

Zac scrunched up into a tight ball in midair and Zendaya extended her legs. They closed their eyes and hoped for the best.

What they got was the worst.

Zendaya's long legs crashed into Zac's scrunched up lower half and all she could feel was pain all over.

She screamed in agony.

The crew quickly lowered them to the ground. Zendaya heard Michael call "cut".

When Zac reached the ground he uncoiled his body and stood up, trying to recollect himself. Zendaya tried to do the same, but couldn't as her legs could no longer support her weight.

She cried out and began to collapse when Zac caught her, lowering her to the ground as softly as he could.

Then everything started to get fuzzy and dark. She could see a few members of the crew and cast start to gather around her. She could hear Zac calling her name, trying to keep her in his world.

But she was on her way to a new world. A dark, silent world.

Before she knew it and could do anything to stop it, she was unconscious.

Tom was at the apartment he shared with Zendaya reviewing a script he wrote with Harry via FaceTime. They had a meeting for their script tomorrow and Tom was planning to fly out to London that night to be there for it.

This script was going to be groundbreaking for Tom's career, and Harry's too, quite frankly. And from what it sounded like, they had a good chance of it being picked up.

He shifted his gaze from his computer screen to his phone as it lit up beside him.

The call was from Zendaya.

"One second, mate," he told Harry.

He picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Hello, love," he said into the phone. He hadn't heard from Zendaya all day and she had spent the night in her trailer yesterday. "I was hoping to hear from you. I miss you loads."

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