SissaRomanov - nominated for best On the Rise - Historical Fiction

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 *At an invisible cue all the security guards pull out trumpets, from who knows where, and start playing a regal fan fair. A funny looking bewigged man runs along the orange carpet unrolling a red one.

Another flourish of trumpets and the sections of the crowd, one by one, begin to bow, like a reverse Mexican wave.

Down the red carpet walks Queen SissaRomanov in a peacock embroidered ball gown, her ice crystal tiara reflecting rainbows onto the bowing crowd. The train of her royal cloak spans the entire length of the runway. By her King, JohnS_2, dressed red leather Fred Mercury’s outfit walks proudly by her side. Occasionally smiting any male who looks at his Queen for too long.*

Ana bows as the couple approach: Your Majesties.

SissaRomanov:  You may rise, Scribe.

Ana: Thank you, thank you your majesty. And my I say what a beautiful dress.

SissaRomanov: This old thing? Well, actually, Queen Elizabeth II stole my wardrobe, and this was all I had left. I really should ask for it back. Good ol’ Bessy…

JohnS_2: The heads of the guards on duty shall be on display when we return home My Queen.

 SissaRomanov: Thank you, My King. I love you.

JohnS_2: I love you.

SissaRomanov: I love you more.

Ana looking uncomfortable: Ok lots of love. Moving on. Sissa your story “The York Rose” has been nominated for best On the Rise, Historical Fiction. What is it about?

SissaRomanov: It’s a story about the War of the Roses that took place on the 14th, 15th centuries in England, through the point of view of a key character in History, Princess Elizabeth of York, later Queen Elizabeth of York. It basically portrays the last stages of the War and how it ended, of course from a not so impartial point of view. Still don’t know how I wrote it.

Ana: Pure talent I’m sure. How did you react when you got the news it got through to round two?

SissaRomanov: I was on mobile in the middle of the class, so I had to keep my happy scream for myself. But in my head, I jumped on the table and did the cha cha cha dance.

Ana: you never know, maybe everyone would have joined in. What made you enter your story into the Watty awards in the first place?

SissaRomanov: Hmm… Just to see if last year I was lucky or if I actually can write quality stuff that is worth to make it to the next round. I’m glad that both my stories made it through, last year’s and this year’s. Maybe it’s still luck, I should try again next year.   

JohnS_2: Everyone shall look forward to that My Queen.

Ana: Indeed. Can you tell us a little about your self?

JohnS_2: Your Majesty! You shall address My Queen with the respect she deserves or your head too shall be displayed upon our castle walls.

Ana: Would your most exulted Majesty please offer up some information about your self to this humble reporter?

SissaRomanov: You shall have to forgive him, My King is always ready to defend my honor, but there is not much to tell about myself.

I am clinically normal, my mother had me tested several times, but there are a few controversies regarding the accuracy of those tests. I live in a tropical country that many people describe as “Hell” due the high temperature, but despite what people believe, I try not to walk naked around the streets fearing that people would go blind, mad and end up killing themselves. I think cats one day will rule the world so I try to befriend them all before it happens so they will love and worship me. I enjoy History, so much that one day I will be in it. I have a slight megalomaniac tendency, and speaking of that, I am a Queen and I have a beautiful court and a handsome King. We enjoy beheading people and eating ice cream on our free time.

Ana turns to Sally: Quick run and get some ice cream from inside. Now! *Turning back to SissaRomanov and JohnS_2.* She won’t be long. While we wait do you possible have a messages for your fans Queen Sissa?

SissaRomanov turns to address the crowd: I thank you all for supporting my story and for helping it to make it through the next round on the Watty’s. It means a big deal to me and I hope you will help me on the finals. I have a great plan in case I win this year, which is donate the prize to the cancer awareness community of Brazil, since cancer has been present in my life more than once. Oh, and help my King JohnS_2  as well, honestly, I’d rather see him winning than myself. Not because he is so handsome and sings like Celine Dion, but because he actually deserves it. Ah, yes, he sings like Celine Dion. On Titanic. And my heart goes on and on.

The crowd chants: Sing, Sing, Sing

JohnS_2:  Guards!! Off with their heads!!!

*Everyone shuts up fast.*

Sally runs back up the carpet dragging a white unicorn by the horn: They are flying in some ice cream as we speak Your Majesties. I found this grazing at the salad bar and thought the Queen might like to ride the rest of the way.

SissaRomanov: I thank you, peasant. Bow down.

*Sally kneels expecting a grand reward. Instead SissaRomanov uses her as a step to mount the unicorn.

Ana turns to the camera: If you want to read SissaRomanov’s story ‘The York Rose” click on the external link on the right of the screen or you can click on the dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

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