Chapter Fifty-Nine

Start from the beginning

I wanted to tell him that I had been doing nothing but taking breaks, but I couldn't get the words out. I was too tired. I was soon surrendering to the void once more.


"Shima, do you have any twos?" a familiar voice asked, successfully waking from my light slumber. Was it really sleep? I didn't know. I would just become unaware at certain moments.

"Go fish," a voice said. Finally, it clicked. That was Shima. Pink hair. Terrible with girls. Aria. Those were the words I associated with that voice, with that name, but it only made more questions arise. What's an aria? I couldn't remember.

"Why are we playing a children's game again?" a bored voice asked before asking someone named Koneko for tens. Now I was reminded of hugs, and blue eyes. I was reminded of laughter and a weird looking cat.

"Because he's a child," a deep baritone voice said, sounding tired. Two toned hair. Blonde and brown. Piercings. Soft lips. The other voice, Shima, spluttered in protest. "That and I'm out of ideas," the deep voice continued over Shima's rambling. I liked that deep voice. It was familiar. And important. There was something about that voice that made my stomach flutter.

"Bon, how much sleep-" the voice with blue eyes started before it abruptly cut off. "She's awake," the voice said dumbly. It took me a moment to realize the black void was gone, replaced with something white. There was a sigh.

"She's been awake before," the deep voice said. "She's awake but not aware." I wanted to frown at those words. I was definitely aware, but there was nothing I could do to prove that. I was too weak, too tired. "The doctor said she'll open her eyes for a little and look around, but we can't tell if she's retaining any of it." The voice paused for a moment before continuing. The voice sounded choked and strained as it spoke again. "The doctor said that's common for someone in a vegatative state," the deep voice said, his voice no louder than a whisper.

"T-that's better than coma, right?" another voice asked, their voice shaking slightly. Shy. Kind. Quiet. Glasses.

"Yeah," the deeper voice mumbled. "It's a step down," he explained. "She's been like this for a few weeks now; the doctors hope she moves into the minimally conscious state soon."

"What's the minimally-" the blue eyed voice started, but it cut off as I drifted back into the dark waves, the bright white ceiling disappearing.


The next time I woke, there was a different voice. It wasn't quite as deep as the voice that belonged to the boy with the piercings, but deeper than the blue eyed voice. I opened my eyes to find the white ceiling above me again. As I woke, I took note of a few things. There was a stinging in my right arm accompanied by a strange sensation around my mouth. Looking down, I found there was a tube near my chest, and I guessed it was coming out of my mouth too. I didn't like that. A keening, whimper like sound escaped my mouth at the thought of a gigantic tube shoved down my throat.

"Look who's awake!" the new voice said.

"Awake?" I heard my father ask in disbelief. "You said it was normal for her to open her eyes in a vegatative state." It was more of a statement than a question. Someone was suddenly grabbing at my eyelids, gently pulling them open.

"Yes, but she's very clearly reacting to something. She's probably reacting to the breathing tube; I want that out as soon as she's coherent enough to cough. I'm going to have them start weaning to see how she reacts." I winced and pulled away when something was being flashed over my eyes. "Okay, (Y/N), I know that's probably irritating. I want you to follow the penlight for me with your eyes, not your head. Can you do that, Miss (L/N)?" the person I now knew was the doctor asked before he started moving the penlight back and forth slowly.

Doing as the doctor had asked, I followed the little light with my eyes only. "Look at that tracking!" he exclaimed before he put the light away. "Well, I can definitely say she's in a minimally conscious state!" he said with a smile. "Hopefully she'll be in a confused state in a few days; it might take a week. She's making excellent progress, Mr. (L/N). I can see her making a full recovery with the way she's progressing." I saw the doctor reach out, and I looked over to find a red-haired man shaking the doctor's hand.

Recognizing this man as my father, I wanted nothing more than to get to him, to tell him I was okay. I grunt left my lips and something moved around on the bed beside me. I heard the doctor chuckle as my father released the other man's hand, coming over to my side. He grabbed the moving object that I now recognized as my own hand.

"Hey, kiddo. I'm here. You're doing so well, baby. Keep fighting for me, okay?" I didn't know exactly what he was asking, but I wanted to make him feel better so I nodded, moving my hand around in his again. He chuckled before lifting my hand to his lips and kissing the back of it. I could feel myself being pulled back into the dark waves, and I fought to keep my eyes from drifting shut. "It's okay, (N/N). Go to sleep; someone will be here with you when you wake up," he promised. I squeezed his hand again before letting my eyes slip closed, falling back into a pitch black sleep.


The first thing I registered was pain. It was mostly in my head, but there was a small stinging in my right arm. Other than that, I was only slightly sore. There was also something itching around my face. My eyes slowly opened to once again find the bright white ceiling in my field of vision. There was a beeping noise somewhere off to my right, and it was quickly getting on my nerves.

Turning my head to the side, I found myself staring at a heart monitor. Damn. What kind of mess did I get myself into this time? I asked myself wearily before trying to figure out what was tickling my face. Reaching up, I found something large near my lips, but I couldn't distinguish what it was. Moving upward, I found a tube stemming from my nose. Not liking that idea of something coming out of my nose, I moved to pull at it. Before I could continue with my plan, there was a hand pulling mine away.

"Leave that there, babe," a tired voice said as if he was repeating the question. Looking over to where the sound was coming from, I found the source of the noise. It was my boyfriend. He looked tired. There were dark circles under his eyes, and his normally perfect hair was askew. By the sight of stubble on his chin, I could tell he hadn't shaved in a few days. He rubbed a hand over his face with a loud sigh. In short, he looked like a mess.

I reached out to the boy, trying to touch his face, his arm, anything; anything to tell him that I was there. With another heavy sigh, the boy took my hand but still didn't look up at me. Trying my voice, I found something keeping me from speaking. At that moment, I registered that something was shoved down my throat, and I immediately started choking. This had Bon up and out of his seat in a heartbeat.

"(Y/N)! Calm down!" he demanded, grabbing my hands that were reaching up to get whatever was in my throat out. I felt like I was suffocating. I pushed blindly on the boy's hands, trying to stop him from stopping me. A muted wail left my throat followed by a whimper as I reached for the boy. With one hand, he caught both of my wrists, pinning them to my chest. The other hand came up to cradle my face.

"Easy, babe, easy, shh," he soothed, rubbing a thumb over my check, brushing away the tears falling from my eyes. "Can you hear me, babe?' he asked, continuing to stroke my check with his thumb. I nodded, tears still pouring from my eyes. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know why I was in the hospital. I didn't know why there was something shoved down my throat. I didn't know why there was a tube snaking out of my nose. What I did know was that I didn't like any of this one bit.

"My God, (Y/N). It's so good to see you again," he breathed, leaning in to press a kiss to my forehead. "Just relax, babe. Let the machine breath for you; you're okay," he cooed as he brushed my hair away from my face. "That's it. Calm down, babe. I got you. I'm right here."

He continued to whisper reassuring words to me until I was calmed down. Soon, the tears dried and my breathing slowed. Once I had calmed down, he settled himself on the side of my bed, leaning in to rest his forehead against my own.

"God. You have no idea how hard it's been without you. I've missed you," he murmured. "I'm so glad you're back. I love you," he said, tears now dripping from his eyes. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him in return, but for the moment, I just relished in having another human with me. For the moment, all was still. For the moment, all was right.

The Boy with the Two Toned Hair (Bon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now